Er'Gael Character in Scardona | World Anvil



Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Er'Gael wields a magical short sword given to him by the Raven Queen, though the memory of that meeting has been stripped from him. He calls it the Corvid's Feather for is feather-like design. Recently he came into possession of a silvered magical shortsword which he wields in his off-hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Er'Gael was raised in the Shadowfell by a line of Elves that have long been servants of the Raven Queen. The strangest child he would often get caught wandering out beyond the safe walls of the estate. As the memories of his previous lives began to take hold he was summoned to the castle of the Raven Queen and given his duty for this life: to slip into the Sunlit world and find new followers for the dark Queen. He was also given a black short sword shaped like a bird's wing. Though the memory of the Queen and her voice has been taken from him.   Eager to see the world out beyond the estate he set off immediately.


Raised by a fairly well-established Shadar-Kai line and spending a great deal of time in the library of Scardona's dark mirror Er'Gael can sometimes overcome his astoundingly average intelligence.

Personality Characteristics


Er'Gael is resolute in his devotion to the Queen of Words and Darkness, which feeds his curiosity. But he selfishly enjoys the action of combat more than the subtly of intrigue or study.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Before he emerged in Scardona he studies in the city's dark mirror in the Shadowfell. Reading the histories kept in the libraries there, Er'Gael has some sense of the history of Scardona but knows little of its current culture or customs.

Likes & Dislikes

Er'Gael likes to fight. Er'Gael is quick to make friends. He however is quickly coming to dislike the Empire, because he sees it making his job more difficult.   Above all Er'Gael is loyal to his Queen

A Shadar-Kai elf bound in eternal service to the Queen of Words and Darkness. He has slipped over from the Shadowfell to gather new followers for the Raven Queen. He's not very good at that job, but pretty good at fighting, so he has joined HARE.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
130 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Sylvan


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