Turtlefolk Species in Scalechanged Legacy | World Anvil


Shellfolk of turtle species stock

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoid, with scaly skin, large shells on their back connecting to a plastron covering their front. They have long claws on the ends of their fingers, and webbed hands and feet. Their shells are extremely hard, and they can retract their head, arms, and legs within the protection of the shell.

Genetics and Reproduction

Turtlefolk reproduce sexually, laying large clutches of up to 20 eggs. These eggs are leathery and soft, and are buried in the sands of a beach to protect them until they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchlings are led from the beach where their eggs were laid, to the water where they grow quickly, fully able to speak and reason within a year of hatching. Young turtlefolk spend all their time learning and training, and by 15 years old they are fully grown and considered adults. By 100 years they are considered elders, and can live to be 200 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Turtlefolk live in villages on the coasts, preferring temperate or sub-tropical climates. There are rare groups that settle in tropical areas or further inland by lakes and rivers, but never sub-arctic, arctic, or desert areas. Turtlefolk fish, and farm both on land and in the waters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Turtlefolk are omnivores. They catch fish, crustaceans, and mollusks from the sea, and insects from land. Turtlefolk also farm, planting vegetables and herbs on land, as well as kelp and other underwater plants in the sea beds near their villages. Fish is dried and smoked to preserve it, while the soft meats from other sea creatures are prepared as needed from captured animals kept in the sea beds. The turtlefolk enjoy wine made from beets, and beer they get from raiding or trading.

Biological Cycle

Turtlefolk remain active all year round, however they are lethargic and slow during the winter months. Turtlefolk feel the urge to procreate around the age of 50 years, and these pairings are always temporary in nature. This call to procreate lasts approximately 20 years, triggering the desire to mate once every few years during this period.

Scalechanged Legacy logo by Kim Swan

This article is Work In Progress.
200 years
Average Height
4'5" (134.62 cm)
Average Weight
270 lbs. (122.47 kg)

Cover image: Scalechanged Legacy logo by Kim Swan