Moonfrenzy Condition in Scalechanged Legacy | World Anvil


All modern words such as dinosaur, and the various dinosaur species names used, will be replaced with setting-appropriate names in the future.   Note: This article is a First Draft
Moonfrenzy is a curse, said to have been levied against a dragonborn hero in ages past after they destroyed a temple dedicated to an ancient moon goddess. It causes the afflicted, when angered, or when the moon is full, to transform into a dinosaur. The victim becomes a rampaging beast, bent upon sating it's hunger on any living thing in sight. Those affected are known collectively as the Moontouched.   Three types of afflicted are known to exist:
  • Wereallosaurus (aka wereallosaurs or werealloes), which affects Dragonborn, Crocfolk, and Shellfolk
  • Weredeinonychus (aka weredeinosaurs or weredeinoes), which affects Lizardfolk and Frogfolk
  • Werevelociraptor (aka wereraptors), which affects Kobolds

Transmission & Vectors

Being bitten by a Moontouched.   Being born of a parent who is Moontouched.


In humanoid form, heightened senses, irritability and irrational anger/annoyance, and a preference for rare/raw meat. Victims of the curse of Moonfrenzy feel drawn to sleep during the day, shifting their activities to nighttime. As the moon approaches fullness, a Moontouched's temper flares, becoming almost savage at slight provocations.


Remove Curse spell, or greater, unless born with Moonfrenzy, in which case only a Wish spell will cure it.   Meditation and techniques to remain calm can keep most of the symptoms under control, however nothing stops transformation during the full moon.


Up to the first transformation, symptoms are mild. Most sufferers just feel irritable or unreasonably hungry, and generally rationalize these away. After the first transformation, the condition can no longer be denied. The Moontouched must now choose whether to resist their bestial urges, or give in to them. Most move to the fringes of, or completely away from society at large, whether to protect others, or simply to hide. Moontouched who give themselves completely over to the curse become monstrous individuals, eventually forgetting any ties to society they may have once had.

Affected Groups

Most humanoids can contract the curse.


Shamen, druids, and some hedge magic practitioners know of a flower that can be used either to keep Moontouched away or prevent them from transforming. This is not common knowledge among civilized society.

Cultural Reception

Moontouched are shunned by society at large, and when one is discovered, hunts are organized to rid them of the threat. If a large group of them is discovered within a town or city, the conflict can even cause the army to be called up to act on the threat. Whole towns have been razed to the ground, their entire populace put to the sword, for fear of letting the curse spread.

Scalechanged Legacy logo by Kim Swan

Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

Cover image: by Paizo