Sartova The Breaching

The Breaching



Qu'ara and the System of Esoteric Enlightenment, with the created and learned Planar Containment Subminds, weaken the barriers to the other planes and call them all into convergence. This begins the Age of Malevolent Motifs.

Qu'ara, the dreamer's shining capital, now in it's golden age, attacks Erinion using it's possessed slave armies, stealing the knowledge of Runes. The Quori know the Runes, but that knowledge can not be given in dreams, especially not across the Planar barriers. Using the Runes, they create Farshifters (copying Erinion) and the first mortal Storyshifters/Planescallers. The first is easy using Rapture, but the second requires them to go to the Peak of Evandyr and use their entire people's Psionic power with the focuser device called the Planar Containment Submind, later named Seals of Erinion. This kills many of them.   This causes The Age of Malevolent Motifs, a cross-planar war for control of the Planar Danse.