The Reanimated in Sartova | World Anvil

The Reanimated

The Reanimated are a broad classification. The Manifesto defines them as: "A body which is moving after death." They include two groups, the Undead/Unliving, and the Ridden. There are some fringe cases, but their likelihood is so improbable that they need not be spoken of here.   The Ridden are bodies that have died and have become possessed by an Ephemeral Being. Some of these Ephemeral Beings do not require the body to have died, and can simply overpower the man and assume control, but these cases are more rare. In order for the body to provide the Ephemeral with Essence (energy), it needs to be intact, and therefore are a significant investment of time and energy by Ghosts, Shades, and Spirits. Devils and Quori do not need Essence, and as such are more dangerous foes.   The Unliving are a sensitive subject to some in Gol, and a proud topic to others. In 355 AB all the civilizations in the Bay of Evandyr were destroyed, save Golryon, by an overwhelming and all-consuming horde of Undead, led by the Lich Illuvatar. These beings are in every way unnatural, from a natural standpoint to a religious standpoint. The Entropic, negative energy sort of Undead are concentrated in negative energy enough to be less than the Story itself. This causes them to gain energy through action, without limit, and without death. The light, positive energy sort of Unliving are concentrated in positive energy, yet always require more and more of it, and will feed upon their surroundings to maintain their power, usually getting addicted to the feeling of it growing.   The Undead/Unliving can come in three varieties, based on their forms. The Corporeal, the Incorporeal, and the Eternal.   Undead Corporeal are the common Zombies, the walking Skeletons, the Ghoul. These are the bodies of beings that have been filled with enough negative energy to become active again. The soul of the original being is not present, and therefore you must not feel remorse for putting them down. Weakness: Holy Water and all positive energy.   Undead Incorporeal are Ghosts, Shades, Wraiths, Specters, and the like. These are the souls of beings that were once alive, and for one reason or another they did not move on to their final rest. They possess varying degrees of sentience, but all of them begin losing the details of their lives from the moment of death. Weakness: Cryptstone, and either Holy Water or negative energy.   The Undead Eternal is the ideal for those that become Undead purposely. These are beings that have managed to find the difficult solution to the necromancers dilemma. It is unknown widely how these beings come about, but we have done extensive research on every type of them. These are the Arisen of Erinion, the Liches, the Deathknights, and the lesser known Living Ghosts, aka. Phantasms. Weakness: Unique. High danger, if you encounter one, report immediately to your Ward Captain without confrontation.   IN AETERNUM. AD INFINITUM.  

The Warden Manifesto, by Scribe-Warden Demetrius, in 723 AB.


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