Slaadi Species in Sartova | World Anvil


Slaadi are frog-like bipeds who literally consume magical essence emanating off of enchanted artifacts or Charms in order to survive, despite having no innate magical ability. This feast of magic seems to morph and contort their bodies along a life cycle transformation, before they enter a cocoon like a butterfly and emerge a new type of Slaadi, until the Death Slaadi is born.   In The Battle for the Fifth Ward, Slaadi were starved from a cesspool of magical energy, primed Connector Fluid and Essence that came about as a sort of magical pollution from the exponentially growing number of magical artifacts in Golryon. When the Vagrant's Repertoire, a local mafia and association of assassins, released hundreds of charms onto the streets, giving the people powerful magic with which to rebel, the Slaadi were tempted to the surface, to raid, ravage, and feast upon this magic.


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