The Vagus Tribes Ethnicity in Saramoth | World Anvil
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The Vagus Tribes

A conglomerated collection of human, Dwarvish, and Elven wanderers, the Vagus are wandering nomads of the Congelation steppes. They feed on the ice algae and wolves. And make camp in the little caves of the plain. Avoiding frost trolls, and finding warm camps are their main concerns.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Vagus themselves do not know their origins. Mainly comprised of mountaineers who succeeded in conquering the mountains, but chose eternal exile rather than the torturous climb back to the dark plain on the other side.

Shared customary codes and values

The Vagus are likely the only truly equal society in Saramoth. Here Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and the occasional Hobbit live in harmony.

Common Dress code

All tribe members are dressed in frost troll fur constantly, due to its magical temperature preservation capabilities.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Hunts! Ceremonial hunts are the most important part of this society. Most often involving the killing of frost trolls, coming of age, marriage, death and birth all require hunts to furnish new coats.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Upon the birth of a child, a new coat is required for the baby. The babies father (or brother, or uncle, or grandfather, in that order) travels into the mountain and hunts a frost troll alone. He returns with his prey (hopefully), makes his child a coat, and gives the rest to the tribe. A feast is held, and thereafter the baby will recieve any aid the tribe can give them, as a way to 'repay the debt of their birth'.

Coming of Age Rites

when a child comes of age, they require a larger frost-troll coat. They are sent into the mountains for an extended period of time, and must climb as high as they can (breathing-wise) read the ancient runes left there on the cliff face, and return to tell their clan leader what these runes said. This proves that they can climb high enough to reach frost troll habitats.

Funerary and Memorial customs

No burial is possible in on the steppe, and so the dead are carried high into the mountains by their relatives, and dropped off one of the many bottomless cliffs ('bottomless' is relative).
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