The Purifiers Organization in Sarakt | World Anvil

The Purifiers

The Purifiers are knightly order derived from moderate section of the Order of Purity. They were formed during the Schism from 1999, when the crack fo the Dome weas noticed and the aftermath was realized.
During the two-days skirmishes with The Purificators the Order's headquarter is set ablaze and ravaging fires destroyed the Menagerie letting all captured and imprisioned creatures there free. Soon many of the monsters begun to roam the ruins and others escaped to the open world. This forced the two faction to cooperate for one last time to suppress the threat. Most of the monsters were not simple slayed but truely destroyed but tmany more fleed to the basements and catacombs. The blockade over the ruins of former citadel were set and both factions left small garrison to keep things at bay. Then they leave. The Purifiers continued to pursuit dangers in The Mainland protecting humans and other sentient beings.
The Purifiers answer the call of New Human Empire and when the last was assembling Imperial Expeditionary forces to sent to Western Continent. The most thrustworthy and reliable knight were gathered and send with the Expedition. There they happen to work with The Purificators but only but direct orders of Expeditionary commands. The tension between the two factions is reason joint actions to be reduced to an absolute minimum.


Karla CemtoryImperial?Arch PriestSent to New Gloufur, Imperial Expedition
Montar MuzzeImperial?KnightSent to New Gloufur, Imperial Expedition
Gustavo SebresImperial?KnightSent to New Gloufur, Imperial Expedition
Nastor erd BruceImperialKnightHead of Defence @Ywar's Site
Morelay erd BruceImperialKnightDefender @Ywar's Site
Sydra erd BruceImperialPriestHealer@Ywar's Site
[bg] The Purifiers са рицарски орден, директен наследник на идеалите, целите и възгледите на Орденът на чистотата. Създадени са по време на Разкола от 1999 година, когато е установено пропукването на Купола. По време на двудневните сражения с The Purificators седалището на стария Орден е опожарено, а из руините плъзват заловените през вековете същества. Тогава за последен път двата клона на стария Орден се обединяват, за да наложат блокада над седалището, след което окончателно се разделят.

The Light Purify Everything!

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities