Imperial Heir Class Vehicle in Sarakt | World Anvil

Imperial Heir Class

The Imperial Heir class is a newly developed class of fast battleships. Its first large ship equipped both with Dwarven Steam engine and cast steel hull plates. The ship is developed in Valurus Royal Clockworks in close collaboration with top Imperial engineers and the group of Dwarven craftsman. The main objective is to make ship, much less vulnerable to fire from various sources such as magic, flaming arrows, fire ships, burning waters and etc. Fear of the unknown that may craw from cracking Dome greatly speed up developments. There were several prototypes before real breakthrough was made. Its turn to be most more efficient to to mix metal plates and wood decks in order to make ship both fast and durable. The development was under close watch by Iselanders.     The Imperial Heir class battleship is last class war ships developed by New Human Empire. Its product by close colaboration between Imperial engineers and top dwarven craftsman.
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