Nasukara Organization in Saradon | World Anvil


Nasukara is the largest of the Yojini and Kardan island-nations, boasting borders which stretch across four major islands and innumerable smaller ones totaling in a size of nearly 200 square miles. Their territory formerly included the island of Shūja as well, though this territory formally declared its independence in [XXX] following an elongated rebellion.   Formerly a feudal kingdom, Nasukara is currently an imperial state with a massive military it built during attempts to quell the Shūjan rebellion which it now employs to keep the peace among its heavily populated cities and to ensure loyalty across the many lords holding great regional powers.


Emperor (Tennō)

Nasukara's highest authority is that of its emperor who holds the final say in all maters of state, society, and religion within the borders of the nation's islands. Yanamada Shoichi is the current holder of this title and the fifth emperor of the Yanamada line whose noble progenitor, Yanamada Osamu, was the first to deconstruct the position of shōgun that had caused the power split within the Nasukaran isles for so long.  

Imperial Court



A title that was originally given to the lords of the Nasukaran feudal era, the daimyō have since had much of their military power stripped after the dismantling of the shōgunate but still retain their political influence and wealth. Though still under authority to raise armies and gather levies in times of crisis, doing so in times of peace without a direct order from the emperor or imperial court is punishable by loss of rank, exile, or execution depending on the determinable motivation.   Even so, daimyō typically enjoy luxurious lives supported by taxation of the peasantry across their district.  


A remnant of the empire's feudal era, the samurai are a class of both warriors and nobles


North Nasukara


Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official Languages


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