East Haversham Organization in Saradon | World Anvil

East Haversham

Located in central Eletheros and nestled between the rivers Dalton and Acre, East Haversham is the smallest independent kingdom of Greater Haversham by both land area and population.   Despite the nation's relatively low size, wealth, and power, it maintains a great deal of cultural and political influence among its sister-nations due to its domain over the historical cities of Colne and Havescire.   Though theoretically independent, the nation's intrinsic ties to the Church of Farlith render it as similar to a vassal state of Haversham in practice.


High Speaker

Though the governance of East Haversham has functioned independently from the total theocracy of the Church of Farlith, its leader remains beholden to the words of scripture and the Holy Interpreter both.   Contrasting the vast majority of other positions within the clergy, that of the High Speaker was not one ordained in the writings of Hurst Farlith. The office was crafted by current Interpreter Martin Orvus in the year 1464 to facilitate the Divide of Greater Haversham. Speakers are imbued with a similar level of authority within the Church hierarchy as Haversham's High Scribe, though are naturally afforded much more autonomy in the affairs of local religious law and peacekeeping.   High Speaker Trilliany Borthos, a former Archdeacon of Farlith's Second Order, was appointed to the position by Interpreter Orvus after being volunteered by the order's local chapter.


Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Greater Colne
East Havershamish
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Michael Lacek


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