Bolsjewa Organization in Saradon | World Anvil


Gold runs thicker than blood could ever hope.
  The Kingdom of Bolsiewa is a national located along the western coast of central Eletheros, positioned along the inlet of the Soirian ocean just south of the Flutwand mountain range in the west of Stryzheim.



While Bolsiewa technically runs on a feudal monarchy similar to most other Eletherean states, the king serves more as a figurehead for the nation than a true ruler of its politics or army. While not quite devoid of power, the king is beholden entirely to the Council of Seven Barons regarding any laws passed which would effect any one of the great cities under their control (including the capital of Yegrov in which the king resides). This includes matters of imprisonment and execution of lawbreakers, official trade agreements with entities outside of the kingdom's borders, declarations or matters of war, religious and cultural celebrations, taxation, and civil projects within the city walls.   The current Bolsiewan king (król) is Kacper Wójcik, the third ruler of the Wójcik lineage.  

The Council of Seven Barons



Bolsiewa lacks any centralized or imperial military, the king's own army restricted to only the bannermen directly sworn to his house as any sworn to the ruler of Yegrov would instead have fealty for the city's baron.  
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state


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