Qheven Character in Sanzeia | World Anvil


Chronicler Qheven Vaelynhas

Qheven the renowned and often maligned explorer is perhaps the most well known traveler and author in modern Sanzeia. His works range from travel guides to bestiaries and while some maintain them to be works of fiction, he maintains their complete veracity.   While he is reputed to be a mage of no small talent, he far prefers to accompany and document expeditions of Adventurers to which he leaves the more dangerous work.  

Published works

  • Details on the Nature of the Almhylean - published in 1253, this first work of Qheven's was of limited scope but did gain enough success in small circles to fund later expedition.
  • The Adventurers of the Famous and Talented Qheven Through the Forgotten World - published in 1452 this massive volume is partially a curated reprint of previous works, but contains new entries detailing his explorations of the Unresting Fields and Southern Ocean.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Qheven is one of (personally he would say "The") best known merchant, explorer, author, and collector of antiquities on Sanzeia. He has traveled far and wide, collected numerous artefacts of both a cultural and naturalist nature and become quite rich from the sale of such and his self published travel guides. His success is solely responsible for the creation of the chronicler's Guild and its profession.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his personal success Qheven receives mixed responses among noble and academic circles who often doubt the veracity of his tales (many of which he can produce no evidence of and his is the only witness). Additionally the high mortality rate among is followers has earned him the ire of several families and entered him into at least one blood feud.

Intellectual Characteristics

Qheven is a braggart and self promoter. Charming and clever, he has earned as many admirers as enemies. His tales are often so fantastical as to hardly believed, but he maintains that they are all true -- even if most of the evidence has a horrible habit of being destroyed.


Religious Views

Qheven's writings often invoke the goddess of adventurers and explorers, Luciel, in their preamble. Weather this is a matter of faith, or practical protection is a matter of debate.
Current Status
Rumored to be exploring Jessia
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
17 Rasi
Year of Birth
1072 DR 419 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born under shooting star (reportedly)
Aligned Organization