Gravekeeper Profession in Sanzeia | World Anvil


Considered by some to be one of the oldest professions in Sanzeia, Gravekeepers in modern day perform the simple civic service of the tending and upkeep of graveyards and the proper burrying of the dead. However, in ancient times when the Curse of Undeath seemed far more potent (or perhaps things were far less peaceful over all, and thus angry dead much more common) gravekeeper guilds also were tasked with the eradication or containment of naturally occuring undead and thus most gravekeeper guilds are at least partialy militarized.   While the guilds vary hightly and most entirely local in their focus, all have at least some assoication with Thrismir and his superior diety, Raz'ka, as thier realm is that of death, graves, and undeath.  Some guilds have turned from the tending of gravesites to become ranging undead hunters. Regardless of the valuble service they provide Sanzeian settlements, the association of death, their macabre nature, and single minded drive to eradication have made gravekeepers social pariahs in most places on the globe.


Social Status

While ont actually vilified, the connection of the gravekeepers to death and undeath has overtime made them undesirables in polite society which tends to live a life as far from death as possible.
Unwanted necessity


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