Bishops of Light Organization in Sand & Scale | World Anvil

Bishops of Light

In the old days, they say the Biships of Light were the protectors of these lands. Holy men imbued by some invisible god they all believed in. They had magic sure enough and they used it to get everyone all riled up behind them. They were going to make this world right with their god.   They got greedy though and those boys just kept trying to get more and more power. They thought if they tried hard enough they could actually see that god of theirs. They hoarded all sorts of books full of secrets and practiced the rituals they found in them. If they thought you were good enough, they'd even share what they knew. Most people weren't good enough though.   In the end, they thought they got pretty close to seeing their god, but it drove the whole lot of them insane. They're more beast than man now, always waiting for the suns to be at their highest.

Public Agenda

Publicly the Bishops frequently spoke of getting mankind together, uniting everyone under a loving god. They weren't completely evil mind you, maybe they didn't even start out that way. They fed the hungry, built shelters for those that didn't have it. They even opened up a couple of hubs for people that didn't have anywhere to go. Looking back, its easy to see why everyone got pulled in and they did everything to could to keep a lid on what went on behind closed doors at those hubs. On the outside, it looked like we almost needed them to keep things going.


While the Bishops never officially disbanded, they were brought to an end by their own greed. In the end their riturals grew increasingly more violent as they sought to draw the attention of their god. In what would be their final attempt the heads of the organization gathered to complete a complex ritual. No one really knows what happened in that place, but when they came out they were different, more aggressive and they could make light whenever they wanted. They were damned certain that their light would save everyone.   At the same time, their bodies started changing too. A little at first, but in the end they didn't even look like people anymore. Anyone unlucky enough to run into them either wound up getting eaten if they were lucky. The unlucky ones started turning into them.


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