The Affordable Spoon Building / Landmark in Sanctum | World Anvil
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The Affordable Spoon

The Affordable Spoon is the town general store for Alderweld, and is housed in a single store wooden structure about the size of a large warehouse. The building is located near the center of town. Inside, visitors are greeted with row after row of dusty shelves, crammed with sundry items or questionable usefulness. The place is filthy with dirt and dust, and the windows are so caked with grime that very little light is able to enter.   Near the back can be found a polished wood counter manned (gnomed?) by the proprietor of the establishment, one Oswalt Dorian. Behind this counter are stored the truly useful items for sale, though one suspects that careful perusal of the wares cluttering the main section of the store may turn up a surprising find or two.
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