Telva Item in Samthô | World Anvil
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Telva (also known as Telba, Shelva, Shella, Seiba, Teyva etc.) is a general term for all kinds of food which are dried, ground and pressed and are prepared by adding (most often hot) water. In most cases it's basically some kind of stock cube. It was probably originally invented by non-sedentary peoples and is today most prevalent among Tuuqasleen societies. They are also believed to be its inventors.
Telva is very rich in nutrients and easily transported due to its low weight. Some groups living mainly on it even keep in in skins which they use as mount rugs. Others keep it in wooden or metal boxes. The main ingredients are ground dried meat, dried fruit and/or dried fish as well as salt, dried herbs or powders made of roots of barks. If available some roasted flour is added. Less salty variants are sometimes eaten raw. These kinds of Telva have even inspired some treats like Chad.
The main form of consuming is by solving a chunk in boiling water or hot milk. The latter even adds to the high nutritional value of Telva. It is also employed as a stock food in seafaring because of its long storage life.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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