Invocations of Sûlûdh Spell in Samthô | World Anvil
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Invocations of Sûlûdh

General introduction

The goddess Sûlûdh is revered by some Suadleyn societies. Depending on the respective societies her role can be more or less important. In general she is a personification of the winds sweeping through the crowns of trees and the foliage creating the swoosh you hear when a wind rises in the forest. Being a wind goddess, she is in most societies regarded a nature spirit and is worhshipped at special occasions outside of the settlements with some Suadleyn having erected altars in the wilderness to sacrifice and pray. In the east, there is a Suadleyn state in the forest north of the settlement area of the Duinis, the Nuat Duinis Talou, which considers Sûlûdh a major deity and venerates her in a temple in their capital. The Suadleyn from the Skaura Hrís consider her an important figure in their pantheistic world view and pay her a considerable amount of respect. She is seen as benevolent and omnipresent and has taken the role of a goddess to appeal to, when in danger or distress.
There are different invocations, depending on different situations one might need assistance in. Some are more like nursery rhymes or meditative mantras. This plethora of invocations only underlines the importance of Sûlûdh to - mostly, but nor exclusively - the Suadleyn. It can be attributed to the wind brushing to the leaves being ubiquitous in the forests, thus making Sûlûdh available in almost all situations.

One known text of an invocation

  The invocation - which is in Tamôl - translates as follows:
Oh beloved Sûlûdh, your roaming lets the leaves dance,
caressing the crowns gently, carrying briskness and fragrance.
In my need I call upon you, call out for your guidance.
Have your wind carry me gently through this time of grievance.


While appeals to gods and spirits are common among all the Len to express surprise, shock, the feeling of being overwhelmed or something alike, the invocation of Sûlûdh is clearly an act of communication with a supernatural being. She is often called upon, when the situation is dire, especially when danger is imminent. When a dangerous animal attacks, the prayer makes a wind come up to distract the beast by shaking the leaves or make it lose track, when it is in pursuit by dispersing the smell of the person praying. But Sûlûdh can also manipulate the physical world more concretely, deflecting arrows or projectiles of by temporarily concealing the one she protects, making him barely visible or even entirely invisible. She also aids with movement, making the air lighter to enable faster running or farther or higher jumps.
The invocation - if called out when having a hostile encounter with Len - might even stop an attack entirely because of the reverence she receives or at least her fame as a goddess or spirit of the wind.

Another known invocation

Lady Sûlûdh, cause of flickering treetops in the moonlight,
gently letting soothing beams flow onto the moss, beams narrow and wide.
Incessantly uncloaking and concealing the starborn coolish light,
you engarland me with the highest beauty of a summer night.


While sounding banal, this invocation of Sûlûdh with the aim of getting some refreshment in sultry summer nights is actually one of the more common appeals to Sûlûdh. But with the Suadleyn being a very poetic subrace among the Len, the primary aim - calling upon the goddess to bring some relief in hot summer nights - is by far not the only effect this invocation can have. It is also a kind of mantra used to ease oneself or someone else into sleep. It is said, that chanting this incantation evokes a visual impression of a quiet summer night with a clear sky and a light breeze to cool the scenery.


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Jan 2, 2022 08:53 by Ezra Aldrich

What a lovely sounding deity. I like the cultural tie-ins and the details of how they may worship her in different situations. I enjoyed seeing how the magic is a direct response of worship / seeking her aid. Are there any restrictions to these invocations? Have there been any times where there was no response or maybe something backfired? Keep up the good work. c :

Jan 3, 2022 19:29

Hey, I'm happy you liked it! :) Indeed religions and gods are a bit of a difficult topic in my world, as they - lets say - don't necessarily exist per se, but are rather made up beliefs, that become manifest through someone believing in them. They are fueled by the omnipresence of magic woven into everything in existence. Likewise their effects on the physical world can be more or less impactful. Only because you wish for a pleasant summer breeze and a light wind comes up, that doesn't automatically mean there's really a deity at work. You might still believe it, though. There are also real deities in the world, but they have withdrawn from their creation for... reasons. :)

My world is Samthô - a 'as realistic as possible' fantasy-world, that's still in its childhood stage.
A current addition to Samthô is my contribution to the rivers ant waterways challenge: Paunis
Jan 3, 2022 20:33 by Amy Winters-Voss

Thanks for entering the WE 2021 Spell Category! Best of luck in all the categories you entered!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Jan 10, 2022 22:52

Thanks a lot! I hope you have/had some fun reading this! :)

My world is Samthô - a 'as realistic as possible' fantasy-world, that's still in its childhood stage.
A current addition to Samthô is my contribution to the rivers ant waterways challenge: Paunis