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Óla líti Savíné


The Óla líti Savíné is the most important and biggest court of law for civil cases in the capital of the Confederation of Tarrabaenia, Savína. Like every óla líti it is right next to the market area, the foro vaenále. The court used to be in the very centre of the city, but with its growth over the last few hundred years it is now rather in the southern part of the settlement. This is mainly because the space between the Evoris River and the close by Taturi Coiés to the south is limited and encouraged new construction to be made to the north, where the land is flatter.



Savína has originally been nothing more but a trade town close to the centre of the tarrabaenian states and favoured by its position close to a river that is generally navigable but has a ford at where Savína is. When the Confederation of Tarrabaenia was formed, it was soon decided that Savína should become the capital city as it was mostly independent and this choice would not favour any of the other states capitals. This was in the year 2211 of the Era of the Earth. As the city has considerably grown since then, the Óla líti had to be expanded twice, in 3137 and 3891 of the Era of the Earth. The second time it also got upgraded by erecting some walls and collonades to break the ambient noise and offer a bit of protection from sun or rain.


Role in everyday life and significance

The Óla líti is the most busy of the judicial authorities, not only in Savína, but in all of the Tarrabaenian capitals or bigger towns. In the Tarrabaenian legal system every case falls into one of these three categories:
Civil cases: Civil cases are all suits that can be filed by ordinary citizens and non-citizens against either other citizens, non-citizens, resident foreigners, slaves, or foreigners. The latter three can not file suits, but, if suffering any injustice, may employ a representative to file a suit on their behalf. Mostly crimes like thievery, property damage, fraud, forgeries or trespassing are tried. They are all tried in an Óla líti.
Public cases: Public cases include all kinds of crimes that are committed by any individual or group against the state, religion or its representatives. These are tried in the Múns of the respective states' capital.
Blood cases: These are exclusively tried by the elder council. Elder councils are not necessarily situated in the capitals but can be in villages or towns as well. This is due to historical reasons. Blood cases are all things that are connected to murder, incest, marriage, inheritance and the like.
Obviously the Óla líti is the one of the three, where most cases end up. They play an integral role as mediators in smaller problems, preventing them to turn into bigger quarrels. The Óla líti is also a place for participation in public life as all cases are presided over by a judge, who is accompanied by two citizens. Participation in this institution is considered an honour and is part of every citizens life. The times of service in the Óla líti are alotted twice a year to four times a year. In Savína lots are drawn twice a year. Registered citizens whose lots get drawn have to do the service for two weeks. During the time of their service they are compensated with enough money to employ someone to take care of their responsibilities in their respective jobs while they are gone.
The Óla líti is also a public place where people can spend their time watching the court sessions and either entertain themselves or learn something about the law or rhetorics. Especially the Óla líti Savíné has become an area for pastime for those who cannot afford other kinds of entertainment. Thus it has become a space within the capital city, that connects people from all parts of the society and has them interact in a relatively non-hierarchical environment. It is also a place of learning, that offers people from all walks of life to listen to speeches, emulate those they admire and make a name of themselves, should they show sufficient talent. This has enabled a handful of the poorer citizens to actually make a good amount of money and move up in the social hierarchy.
As in all places connected to the justice system carrying weapons is not allowed. In Savína court guards ensure the safety of all guests to the Óla líti. The placement of guards is a special feature of the Óla líti Savíné, as it is by far the biggest courtyard of such kind and there has been an inciting incident in 4177 of the Era of the Earth, when during the fraud case of Valés against Ácus an angry mob of people, who also fell victim to Ácus' numerous ploys stormed the Óla líti Savíné and caused all business to be stopped for two days. Ácus came out alive, but the Múns Savíné had to file a suit against the 87 people who started the uproar. Later the leading judge of the Múns Savíné, Assus Próvétor, filed for a preventive guard troop for the Óla líti Savíné. The case was closed with the result, that a guard troop should be present during the working hours of the Óla líti Savíné. These are calles 'tuórés Ólé', 'tuórés leis Próvétóri' or simply 'Próvétórini'. This makes the Óla líti Savíné the only courtyard of that kind, that has its own guard troop, as in other cities there has never been an incident grave enough to warrant the deployment of extra guards.


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