The Order of the Nameless Organization in Saltora | World Anvil

The Order of the Nameless

As you walk towards the city of Stronghelm you can see a small dirt wall that surrounds it seemingly built hundreds of years ago. There are guards patrolling the top wearing an odd mix of armours. some seem quite old mimicking the style of the ancient nation of Copo, some seem freshly made looking similar to a regular vilcey guardsmen but they do not bear vilcey colours instead they fly the brilliant white of the order and on their flags flies the Nobel lion. As you pass through the gates you can see market stalls owned by traders of the three nations. You can also see that most of the older building look to follow the style of dragonhold but the newer ones seem to look more varied having an od mix of styles. As you travel into the centre of the town you can see an old man with children at his feet sitting next to a small statue of Sabinius. you can see words written on a plaque beneath listing the line of grandmasters of the order: Sabinus, Domedus, Felix, Jiub and finally Alvur the current grandmaster. You can hear the old man talking to the children. He is telling the tale of Sabinus the immortal. ”Sabinus was a great man, he fed, the poor helped the sick and fought great beasts. Do you want to know what the biggest monster he fought was? He once sent a giant two-headed cannibal into the Forrest of shenzhou. It is said that it retreated into the forest after he knocked one of the heads out! It’s said that people that enter the Forrest can still hear the monster prowling around.” One of the children speaks up. “ what happened to Sabinus?” “Well,” said the old man “one day the people of shenzhou were being attacked by monsters from the north. They were from a place called Mumu and were said to eat and wear the skins of the children of shenzhou. Once Sabinus heard about this he gathered his friends and set out to fight the monsters but the monsters where tough. And although Sabinus fought and killed hundreds of them they just kept coming. Eventually Sabinus and his friend from vilcey where the only men left standing. With one last swing, they cut off the leader of the monsters head! After the battle was over Sabinus decided to go on a quest to see the world and fight new beasts. But don’t worry, if the order truly needs him he will come back with a dragon and save the day!”


Grandmaster, Chapter master, Master, High brother, Brother, Junior


The Order is adherent to the core tenants of draconism and the cultural values of dragonhold Except it does not adhere to the authority of dragonhold and instead is an independent entity under the command of The Grandmaster.

Public Agenda

Help the nations of the world help better the lives of their citizens.


Stronghelm, First post, Second post, Southern territories


The order of the nameless knights where founded by the mighty Tiber Dragonstar. Its first Grand Master is Sabinus. cousin of Victorian Dragonstar, ruler of Dragonhold.

"Never be cruel, Never be cowardly. Remember hate is always foolish and love is always wise. Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind. Always remember the goal."

Founding Date
Military Order
Alternative Names
The Order, The Nameless
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations