The 23rd Farmer's Rebellion Military Conflict in Saldera | World Anvil
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The 23rd Farmer's Rebellion

The 23rd Farmer's Rebellion was a 17 day conflict taking place in Rumis, one of the primary agricultural locations in the Yawen Kingdom. No conclusive records exist that can point to a definitive cause for the conflict, but Yawen record keepers believe that it was merely a simple conflict between a handful of farmers and Rumis guards that spiraled out of control.

The Conflict


The first 5 days of the conflict were marked by relatively peacful protests in the Rumis capital district of mainly farmers belonging to the Farmer's Guild of Rumis. However, a lack of progress from the protests combined with a directive from the Rumis Council to end the protests caught the ire of supporters of the Farmer's Guild.


The Rumis guardsmen successfully managed to limit the majority of the conflict to outside city limits. The sprawling plains of Rumis soon became the alternative.

The Engagement

The region of Rumis was mostly peaceful, so its guards were far from the skilled veterans of the Core Colonies. Guerrilla tactics employed by the rebels quickly began to overwhelm the guardsmen, even with the reinforcement by the Hunter's Guild Rumis Branch. By the twelfth day of the conflict, word of the conflict had reached the Yawen Kingdom. A single legion of Kingdom Knights were dispatched to Rumis to bolster its defenses and arrived a day later.   The arrival of Yawen reinforcements prompted the Sogden Group to get officially involved by sending a large group of mercenaries to hold them off. The Kindom Knights proved their mettle by successfully joining Rumis forces with minor casulties.   The rebellion fell victim to poor timing on the final day of the conflict. Hoping to overwhelm and route the Kingdom Knights, a highly ranked hunter from the Sogden Group arrived in Rumis. Their presence was enough to catch the attention of local Realm Guardian, Eryl Aliz. A strikeforce comprised of the Sogden Hunter and the S and A-ranked hunters of the Free Hunters Association of Rumis was intercepted by Eryl. The S and SS-ranked hunters thought they could take her together, but it only took one strike for Eryl to remind everyone of the frightening gap between lowly ranked hunters and Realm Guardians. In a single attack, the strikeforce was erased. Along with nearly 1,000 mercenaries who were in line with the strike.   The rebel's morale quickly broke, leading to an end to the conflic.


The reinforcement of Rumis by Yawen Proper led to a swift and overwhelming defeat of the rebellion forces in Rumis. Despite Yawen forces taking a scorched-earth approach, the Farmer's Guild was offered a revised contract by the Yawen Kingdom. This appeased the locals that remained, but failed to placate many of the other Mid-Colonies.


The overwhelming force that Yawen wielded against the rebellion in the form of a realm guardian, a living weapon of mass destruction, failed in quelling the growing disent in the Mid-Colonies. Instead, rebel groups throughout the Mid-Colonies used that force as propaganda swell their ranks. Eventually this would lead to open armed conflict between rebel groups and the Yawen Kingdom.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Pyrrhic victory for the rebellion

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Farmer's Guild
  • 25,000 Farmers
  • Free Hunter's Association
  • 3 S-rank hunters
  • 12 A-rank hunters
  • 57 B-rank hunters
  • Sogden Group
  • 1 SS-rank hunter
  • 500 logistics merchants
  • 10,000 mercenaries
  • Casualties

    Farmer's Guild
  • 3,000 Farmers
  • Free Hunter's Association
  • 3 S-rank hunters
  • 12 A-rank hunters
  • 57 B-rank hunters
  • Sogden Group
  • 1 SS-rank hunter
  • 50 logistics merchants
  • 5,000 mercenaries
  • Objectives

  • Improved wages
  • Improved working conditions
  • Improved living conditions
  • Strength

    Rumis Colony Council
  • 2,000 Guardsmen
  • Hunter's Guild
  • 2 S-rank hunters
  • 20 A-rank hunters
  • 150 B-rank hunters
  • Rumis Free Militia
  • 6,000 volunteer soldiers
  • Yawen Kingdom
  • 15,000 Kingdom Knights
  • Casualties

    Rumis Colony Council
  • 1,000 Guardsmen
  • Hunter's Guild
  • 4 A-rank hunters
  • 62 B-rank hunters
  • Rumis Free Militia
  • 4,000 volunteer soldiers
  • Yawen Kingdom
  • 100 Kingdom Knights
  • Objectives

    Defending kingdom assets





    Ending the conflict.

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    Aug 10, 2021 07:57 by Dimitris Havlidis

    Amazing work mate, beautiful narrative. Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year! Have a wonderful day and I hope we see you on the awards ceremony!

    World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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    “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop

    Aug 12, 2021 19:49 by Hannah

    Thank you for the kind words, Dimi! <3   I didn't do a whole lot this SummerCamp, but I definitely enjoyed it.