The Great Decimation of Fairy Kind [WASC2020]
Replaced by The Decimating Siege of the Fairy Council
The great decimation of true Linea's is a two-part event. The first part is based on the siege of true Linea's that was done with the anti-fairy mobs that attacked the capital buildings of the ferry council. Four years anti-fairy sentiment had been on the rise due to their involvement in all of the governments for the past millennia. Many anti-fairy groups believe that the fairies were keeping the world in a perpetual status quo and not allowing for innovation or for improvement for the benefit of all people across the globe.
This combination of resentment eventually led to the seizure that surrounded the the chambers. It was decided during the siege by this ferry council that there were many truths spoken by the anti-fairy groups. There were also many Faye, evil fairies, who were using the resentment to try to damage the reputation and the abilities and the political power of the ferry council.
The members of the ferry council, under the leadership of (name to be determined) felt that there was an extreme position that could be taken to be able to solve the problem of anti-fairy attacks and the growing influence of the Faye over the non-magical humans.
This involved the invention of the 16 totems of saga dorm. The members of the ferry council, and the general ferry assembly who were gathered in true Linea's voted to create the 16 totems. This would involve the consolidation of all magical powers from every fairy and Faye in saga dorm into 16 crystal cores. To be able to complete this advanced form of magic, required the entire reserve of recharged cores with in the capital buildings, and the sacrifice of the 16 members of the ferry council.
During the enchantment of the 16 totems, the consciousness of the 16 members of the ferry council were placed with in the crystal cores. This granted the cores some semblance of sentience and would help ensure that anyone who attempted to use this power stored with in the totems would have to deal with the consciousness of the totem. These consciences embedded in the totems were copies of the members of the ferry council. Many new that few of them would be able to survive the siege, so they accepted this form of immortality in an effort to protect the magics of saga dorm from being used in a way of evil.
The magics released during this enchantment of the 16 cores was enormous. It destroyed the inner sanctum of the ferry council chambers. There was also a secondary wave of destruction as all fairies and Faye across the globe lost their power immediately. When the power was released from the now human hosts, all of the magic swarmed through the air like gusts of wind towards the island nation of true Linea's.
For days the island nation was under a siege of mother nature, meaning the rushing wins of the incoming magic buffeted the islands and its inhabitants like hurricanes for many days. At the end of the consolidation of the magics, the structures of the capital and within miles anything else that would have been constructed, were destroyed. Those who had seized the ferry council were also greatly harmed.
Following the great decimation, a new era of no magic swept over saga dorm. All of the economies, trades, crafts, cultures, and governments who relied upon magic for their livelihood or power instantly crumbled. The heavier the culture relied upon magic the greater the chaos that enveloped them.
It was many decades until the countries and kingdoms could recover. If they recovered at all. Some of the royal families were able to maintain control and keep their royal lineage and power intact, others did not.
The destruction of the capital of true Linea's was seen as the end of an era of enlightenment. Many texts tomes and scientific knowledge of the world how it functioned were lost. It would be centuries before the invention of the mechanical ferry would be created. The mechanical ferry is a technological device that allows any human to take the power of a crystal core and perform rudimentary magics.