The Catacombs of the Guardians [WASC2020]
Purpose / Function
The inner sanctum of the Fairy council was the location where the totems of true Linea's were created. During the great desolation the inner sanctum collapsed deep into the ground.
During the great decimation of 1123 CE, the members of the Fairy council created the 16 totems of true Linea's within their inner sanctum. Because of the creation of the totems, the magical powers used to create the totems destroyed the cathedrals that housed and surrounded the inner sanctum. As a final desperate attempt to hide the 16 totems, the current leaders of the fairy council sent the inner sanctum deep beneath the surface of the earth. After successfully burying the inner sanctum, the collapsing cathedrals and other buildings ensured that it could not be found.
For decades the catacombs remained buried in rubble. As new buildings were created, the order of the guardians, a secret society dedicated to the preservation of the totems took hold.
The world believed it to be lost. A destroyed wonder of the ancient world covered by tons of rubble. However the secret of the location of the totems were closely guarded by a newly formed sect called the guardians. The guardians allowed them now catacombs to remain buried for many generations. This was in hopes that the knowledge of the totems would be lost to anyone who still lived. They also spent some effort in spreading disinformation across the world to throw potential treasure hunters or those with ill intent off of the true location of where the totems were buried.
The guardians built buildings to cover the catacombs, and included a secret entrance to tunnels that accessed the catacombs. These excavated tunnels went down and allowed them to watch over the treasures found within.
The entrance to the catacombs changed many times over the centuries as buildings were built, rebuilt, and as technology advanced.
The catacombs of the guardians are made of polished granite that adorned the inner sanctum of the Fairy council. The vaulted arches that served as windows have been destroyed and now show only the walls of the cavern in which the sanctum was buried. The catacomb itself is a large 16 sided room, nearly circular with 16 statues of the animals that represent each of the totems that were created during the great decimation. The room is now lit by torches and one of the windows serves as the entrance tunnel back to the surface. There is little to no ventilation so this is not a place where people now frequent.
The construction of the inner sanctum of the fairy council began nearly 50 years prior to the establishment of the fairy council itself. The construction was initiated by Sable the peaceful, the head of the sect of the metal Dragon. It was the hope of Sable to form an alliance representing all of the different magics and representations across the world.
After over 1100 years of the ferry council stewardship over the planet of sagadorm, the peoples of the other countries began to be resentful of the magic of the fairies and sought to tear it down. It was decided that all of the magic of the fairies should be encapsulated within the 16 totems and fairies will no longer exist. Those who have magical powers will become as human as the rest of saga dorm's population.
There is no tourism to the catacombs of the guardians. It is a secret location that none but the guardians are aware of.
The Great Decimation of 1123 CE
The Great Decimation of 1123 CE
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Inner Sanctum of the Fairy Council