SSI: The Celestial's Condescension: Sequel 4: The New Path Plot in Sagadorm | World Anvil

SSI: The Celestial's Condescension: Sequel 4: The New Path

Step 1: Simple Summary

The final scene is the reaction of the young man to the story there will be a noticeable difference between the man before and after he tried to fulfill his mission. He's not going to convert to the new faith. He is still going to retain his beliefs in the animallike gods, he will however be more tolerant than what he was before. The story will and with the young man changing his mind and he is going to abandon his mission and just leave.

Sable will take a small scroll out of a drawer and hand it to the young man. This is going to be a letter of recommendation from the Sable as a parting gift to the young man. This will show that he has no ill will even to his potential assassin.


Step 2: POV Character


Step 3: Antagonist Force/Character


Step 4: Other Characters

  • Argentric
  • Caelic
  • Hydronic
  • Petric
  • Phenic

Step 5: Oragnizations

  • The Celestial Dragons Pantheon

Step 5: Oragnizations

  • The Fairy Council
  • The Celestial Dragons

Step 6: Location

  • The Argentric Abbey: Private Chambers: Sabel the Peaceful

Step 7: Advance the Story

  • This is the conclusion of the story.
  • Joash has made the decision to let Sabel live but his counscious thought has not caught up yet. This scene is the struggle to get those two things aligned.
  • Joash is panicing on what to do if he doesn't compete his assassination mission.

Step 8: New Information

  • The "hit" on Sabel was ordered by the The Animalits of Sagadorm.

Step 9: Pull Reader Forward

  • The confident assassin has, by the power of a story, turned into an emotional wreck, unsure of what to do, and fearing for his life.

Step 10: Sequel: Reaction

  • Joash has come to the realization that his murder cannot go foward.

Step 11: Sequel: Dilemma

  • Joash, unsure of what to do, is fearing for his life. It is protocol for the assassins to have a "handler" as a contact point between the assassin and The Animalits. The handlers are "former" assassins who may have "retired" but will "clean up" after the job. This clean up includes killing anyone involved in a failed attempt.

Step 12: Sequel: Decision

  • Joash will run away and try to escape the handler.
  • Sabel agrees with the decision and provides resources to aid him in his journey. May of which were already prepared.

Step 13: Irrevocable Decisions

  • Joash is making a run for it. Ready to give up the life he knows so that he does not need to become a murderer.

Step 14: Plot Points

  1. Sabel: "What does it mean, indeed." and "As with all good stories, it doesn't matter what I said, it mattered what you heard."
  2. Joash struggles to provide an interpretation of what he thinks the story meant to him.
  3. Joash reflects on all of the good things that happened on the past year(s). He doesn't think that anyone should die or stop what they are doing.
  4. Joash makes the decision to run away. And hope to evade the handler long enough to get out of the country.
  5. Sabel "If I may help" and then starts pulling out the documentation that will safely grant passage to another outpost/embassy. There is a young woman that needs to be escorted back to their homeland and is prepared to leave in the morning. All of the arrangements have already been made.
  6. Joash blushes when he hears the name.
  7. Sabel reviews the itinerary of what's going to happen.
  8. Joash "how did you know?"
  9. Sabel smiles and says "I am a fairy but more importantly, I'm a grandfather." He goes on to explain that he could tell something was wrong. Joash has been a very hard worker and is a valuable assett who has grown over the time in the Argentric Abbey.
  10. Joash objects as he is not a believer in Argentric and a trained assassin.
  11. Sabel dismisses the concern and won't let a little think like a difference of religion stop a promising young man from building a better world.
  12. Joash leaves the office with a new identity and new purpose. Ready for the adventure ahead.




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