Magically Induced Dystrophy {WASC 2021} Condition in Sagadorm | World Anvil

Magically Induced Dystrophy {WASC 2021}

A severe condition of significant concern to the fairies of saga dorm is magically induced dystrophy. The generic cause of this specific type of dystrophy is the overuse of magical spells. Fairies have limitations on the amount of power within themselves or the cores available.   Depending on the type of magic being used will be determined the type of dystrophy that is caused. Fire =? Water =? Earth = muscles Air = intelligence   Strict rules have been developed around magic to determine the calculations of strength needed to perform specific magics. Each fairy calculates power levels to ensure they do not exceed their personal limits or the limits of their charge cores. These internal levels may increase through magical and physical training.   Cure: fairies naturally absorb magical powers from the moonlight. Most minor overages of energy can be remedied by resting from performing magic and sleeping in the moonlight. Fairies often have rooftop patios where they can sleep. The more skin exposed, the better. In areas not conducive to sleeping outside, core chambers have been developed to allow the depleted fairy to rest in the glowing light of charged cores. This process is much slower than moonlight. The direct absorption of power of the cores into the fairy body is so inefficient it is considered worthless. However, in emergencies, this is preferable to doing nothing.   During the performance of magic, a fairy is not a conduit through which the power is transferred. The power of the core goes directly into the magic being performed. If the magic then directs that energy into the fairy, such as healing, it could appear that the power went into the fairy first. The amount of energy within a fairy does not change during the performing of magic with cores. Only when there is insufficient power within a core is the energy extracted from the fairy themselves.   Rest, proper nutrition, and exercise can only go so far in restoring power. However, this does increase the natural reserves a fairy can innately store.   Better rested = more reserves more muscle mass = more reserves and less likely to suffer long-term dystrophy.   Extreme results of dystrophy: death by withering away comatose by loss of intelligence other examples to be created based on the loss suffered from fire and water.   Some notable examples include the consumption of the bodies of those who became totems. Their entire physical form was consumed while transferring their consciousness into the prepared cores, serving as their new vessels.   The fairy who led the ritual that caused the great decimation was left in a vegetative state and unable to recover.   Warriors in battle: the enemy in combat defeats his foe but loses his life to sacrifice himself to provide the needed power in a Hail Mary attempt.


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