Genealogical Records of Fairy Heritage [WASC2020]


The genealogical record of fairy heritage is a document that tracks the lineage of a fairy. This document, created by the Fairy Council, allows an individual magic user to know their heritage and the type of magic that was used in their ancestry.   Many fairies used this document as a way to advertise their magical prowess and power. A more impressive lineage was highly favored among certain circles. With the 16 combinations of the four elements of fairy magic, it was important for fairy to know which elements came from which parts of their family. These documents were heavily scrutinized in some marriages between fairies to be able to predict the type of fairies that would come from the union.   Even though the potency or the abilities of the fairy could not be determined by pure genetics it was often pretended that it could be. A strong magical fairy could come into the world regardless of heritage as long as some fairy blood could be found in their ancestry.   Some fairies have very short genealogical records because a strong fairy was born into a family that may not have known it had fairy heritage. The common people of saga dorm rarely tracked their genealogy unless they were of Royal or noble families.

Document Structure


The genealogical record of fairy heritage was separated into multiple parts:   Part one: identification of the ferry to whom this genealogical record belongs. Part two: the genealogical record of the document holder based on family through direct ancestry. If applicable fairies of great renown or power who may have been a sibling to a direct ancestor were also included to increase the notoriety and standing of an individual fairies record. Part three: an affidavit or signature from the historical Department of the ferry council signifying that this is a true and legitimate document including a seal of some magical nature to prevent counterfeiting.

Publication Status

The genealogical record of a fairy is kept by the ferry and is one of his or hers most prized possessions. It is never duplicated except by official historians of the ferry council, due to the magical seal at the bottom. However, compilations of genealogical records are kept in libraries in true Linea's for research purposes. Especially by those who may not have an extensive record.
Record, Historical
Vellum / Skin


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