Cotton of Trilenius WASC2020

After the events of the runaways return, Vola and Lev took the refugees of North harbor to the new land. She was guided by the Faye lines that surround saga dorm she followed them to the hub where all of the lay lines and their magics enter back into Sagadorm. This archipelago of islands became true Linea's, the first ferry settlement.   It was a difficult few years of for survival for the refugees. The land itself was tropical and completely foreign to the the inhabitants who lived in nearly tundra conditions. The heavy walls and leathers made life very difficult and uncomfortable.   While exploring the islands, Lev discovered cotton. These cotton plants are not unique to true Linea's but it's discovery provided a great resource for the now settlers to be able to grow as a cash crop and build an industry that they could export fine goods.   Due to the cartons growth cycles which traditionally deplete the nutrients of the soil, cotton was rarely seen as a good crop or a sustainable source of fiber to be spun and woven. Thanks to the magics of Vola and her descendent fairies, they were able to restore the nutrients of the soil depleted by the cotton and then they were able to grow large crops of cotton.   Many aspects of the harvesting and processing of the cotton plant were performed magically in the beginning. As the influence of the fairies grew politically around the globe, more and more humans were involved. This put a great strain on on resources but the inventions of the cotton gin and spinning wheels and improved looms greatly enhance the efficiency of non-magical tray Linea and's.   The cartons of true Linea's were considered to be of a very high quality. This was due to the tropical nature of the climate but also selective breeding of the cotton plants so that the most abundant and the softest of the crop was used.   The first opposition to the cartons of true Linea's, came from the other island nation of ill the wrong. They are famous for their walls and the crafts associated with wool. The influx of magically grown and processed cotton drove down the prices of woolen goods as it was a lighter more sturdy alternative to wall. Cotton was not as expensive or difficult to harvest as the silks of she and Hugh so it was originally considered the poor man's silk.   Eventually the three nations of Bill Duval, true Linea's, and she and Hugh were able to come to terms that each of their fabric crops were beneficial and able to be traded cooperatively and not competitively. Cultural exchanges between the three countries allowed tradesmen more versed in the manufacturing and processing of silk cotton and wool to come together and begin to craft finished goods that incorporated two or three of the fabric types. These hybrid goods were much sought after since a cape could have a cotton lining, a woolen interior, and a silken exterior. These capes were highly sought after by the royalty, especially in frozen lands or those that experience heavy winters.   Unlike the wool merchants of ill DeVaughn, the cotton growers of true Linea's were more than happy to share seedlings from their crops to encourage more countries to be able to grow them. However the specific breed in true Linea's work the best in tropical climates. So the country if she and Hugh found much success in their cotton cultivation, while the moderate climates and harsh winters of true Linea's did not. Many of the manufactured goods that did not require wall were manufactured with great success in she and Hugh because the silk warms were unable to be raised in true Linea's due to reasons. There was something in the native lands of she and Hugh that made it impossible to breed silkworms in true Linea's.


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