Acrona: The City Reborn [WASC2020]
The city of a krona is located in the island chain formerly inhabited by the nation of true Linea's. After the great decimation of 1123 CE, and the resultant economic crash due to the heavy reliance upon the fairies magic, there were no defenses left to protect the city. Those armies who raised the city during the great decimation, once their objectives were obtained and there were no more fairies nor magic, they left and returned to their native lands. The formerly fairy and human individuals left in true Linea's began to pick up the pieces of a crumbling society. Many of the structures had been destroyed in the siege and the attacks. Those that were not were leveled by the shockwave of the magic being removed from the world due to the spells that created the 16 totems of true Linea's.
Due to the wasting, or the magical malnutrition of former fairies, rumors about a sickness spread throughout Sagadorm. Very few were willing to trade or to interact with the peoples of this archipelago until a "cure" was discovered and humans realized that they would not catch the wasting if they visit.
After many decades of hard work and cleanup, small hamlets were built all over the islands. The actual ruins of true Linea's were used to build new buildings and salvage as much as possible. The rumors of the totems of true Linea's began to be spread and many nations began to lust after this power and the potential to have magic restored but for their kingdom as opposed to the whole world.
Two major forces, one from the east and one from the west, landed on the islands and once again the native peoples were besieged. The the siege lasted for many years and then stretched into many decades. The three peoples: the natives, the easterners, and the Westerners, eventually settled into the new town of a krona. The reason that the siege lasted so long is because no one knew for sure where the totems were located even though extensive searches were performed all over the island. The most effective way to search the island was to clean up and remove all of the rubble. This rubble was then repurposed and used to build battlements and defensive structures for the armies. But as the years wore on they began to be used for homes headquarters and other more common uses.
After 700 years of searching for the totems, most of the people forgot why their ancestors had even come to the islands. The city of a krona grew as a metropolitan unification of the three major cultures and then became, like true Linea's of old, a new beacon of hope for the different cultures to be able to live in unity.
The government of a krona is a representative democracy that has three legislatures that began as three representative bodies each for the natives, the easterners, and Westerners. Since the areas were quite segregated in the beginning the districts that were used to represent these different cultures were also pretty segregated. But as the decades and centuries were on and the cultures integrated and intermarried, the three legislatures began to represent the city dwellers, the farmers, and the merchant classes. A executive branch of government was elected by the members of the three legislatures similar to parliamentary systems. The judicial system was appointed by the executive and ratified by the legislatures and strived to maintain the ancient laws of true Linea's and the justice system originally established by the ferry council.
The defenses of a krona were fairly decimated during the initial siege and the great decimation. There were not many additional battlements built during the siege of the two armies that would protect the island itself from outside invaders because the invaders were already there. After 700 years had passed the need for traditional walled cities and similar defenses had been replaced by those that were more naval and army based.
The industry of a krona was heavily based on the agriculture that could be grown in this tropical climate, specifically cotton and other exotic fruits. Trade and tourism became more and more popular as the concerns about the wasting diminished. While never the political center as true Linea's was, a krona became quite a large city and a central location for many of the peoples of the Sagadorm to congregate, more out of nostalgia for the ancient times then the practicality of modern travel and politics.
1123 CE
Large city
Location under