Drakonis Empire Organization in Saera | World Anvil
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Drakonis Empire

Your roots are like that of a tree, without it you're weak and easy to push over.
-Draconis Proverb
  Drakania or The Drakonis Empire is a nation located in the direct center of Opirion. Drakania is ruled by an emperor that is elected from members of the royal family. The empire's population is very diverse with many citizens claiming ancestry from even the farthest reaches of the known world. Even though the north and south have been at each other's throats time and time again they will always depend on each other to survive and when one is in need the other is there to support.



  The rulers of the empire are absolute monarchs selected from among the members of the Drakon family, the imperial royal family. Emperors aren't chosen based on who is the eldest but by who is most capable to lead and it is common for members of the Drakon family who aren't the current ruler's children to be chosen. Many candidates go on a rite of passage to prove themselves worthy, usually just traveling the world, adventuring, honing skills, working as diplomats, or grand tasks such as claiming magical relics, slaying great beasts, and proving their worth in war and statecraft.  

Province Overlords

  The Province Overlords are the original companions of the first emperor, Caelan Drakon, and every one of them has surpassed mortal limits. Each of the overlords holds the power of immortality, they all possess physical and magical strength greater than that of an ancient dragon, their power on par with demigods.   The overlords are also the leaders of the 11 great families of the empire, which control its 9 provinces their respective families are:   House Drakon - The imperial family and rulers of the Corona province from the Capital of Drakenhold   House Asigari - The family of swordmasters whose sole duty is to protect the imperial family and all its branches they do not rule a province alone but share this task with House Grianor both as direct vassals to House Drakon.   House Grianor - the family of pugilists who along with house Asigari share the responsibility of protecting the imperial family and its lands.   House Kaya - Rulers of Nornora who rule the highland from the city of Isnora   House Ar Aslan - Rulers of the Areia from the City of Scysa   House Juna - Rulers of Thair who hail from Dawnrest   House Durvalha - Rulers of Brenmaar from the city of Hornhall   House Rinei - Rulers of Erion from the city of A'loran   House Ar Agnes - Rulers of Blackspire from the city of Blackgate   House Korva - Rulers of the Heartland province from the city of Soharin   House Ves - Rulers of Stormsreach from Silvermoor   Even though the original overlords are the leaders of their respective houses they leave the burden of ruling their lands upon their descendants and are rarely even seen outside of their domains, some haven't even been seen in the mortal realm for centuries. It is rare for them to take part in government affairs or war but not entirely impossible if they sense a real threat to the empire or an opportunity for themselves.  

The Cloud Court

  Chosen from amongst the most influential families in the empire, the Cloud Court acts as advisors to the emperor and as a legislative body for the entire empire, except for Drakenhold which is the emperor's domain. Any member of the court can propose a new law. The proposed law must be accepted by a majority vote before it becomes official. The Cloud Court also holds the responsibility to choose the next emperor from amongst the children of the current emperor or candidates from the branch families of the Drakon.   Traditionally an emperor can appoint a successor, often the eldest child, in most cases they assume the throne, but they are not always elected to be the next emperor by the court. If a successor could not be chosen or the current candidates are too young to assume the throne, the chancellor of the court will assume the post of regent and gain complete control over all the empire's military forces until a suitable successor arises.   Mainly the court brings about new laws, but the emperor can also propose new laws under the same rules the court follows. Although, recently with their power waning emperors have appointed laws without the need for the court's approval and have a great influence over those they propose.   The Court has the power to remove an emperor from the throne if they feel he is unfit to rule, this is known as the Rule of a Mad King. For this order to be carried out the court must have 2/3 of their members agree.  

The Council of Judges

  The Council has to keep the cloud court in check and ensure that they do not abuse their power to dethrone the emperor for their political gain. The council also acts as a major judicial body for the empire and oversees the trials of it's greatest crimes.   Members of the council include the High Judge and two prefects along with magistrates all personally selected by the emperor.


The Drakonis are cosmopolitan people known for their hard work and discipline. They take great pride in their education, leading them to become some of the most literate and tolerant people on Saera. These traits have made them great traders and diplomats. The Drakonis are also known to be great warriors possessing some of the most well-trained and disciplined soldiers on the continent. Other religions are accepted and embraced by the Drakonis as long as the gods being worshiped are not dangerous. Free trade is strongly encouraged amongst the Drakonis and all their lands. Throughout the lands that have been influenced by Drakonis culture education and wealth are broadly distributed allowing many citizens to become learned. The Drakonis take great pride in family and the community it is common for men to take on multiple wives as there is always an abundance of women in the empire after the many wars it partakes, and it is traditional for men to adopt the family of their battle-brothers who fall in the field, making for large extended families and clans of mixed races and class. As such anyone regardless of class or race is allowed to advance in commerce, the bureaucracy, and the military. Slavery plays a big part in the empire's infrastructure even though it conflicts with their ideals of freedom. Slaves are either exclusively prisoners of war or from families that can't afford to take on too many members into their community, children of slaves are not slaves themselves and are adopted into the family of their parent's masters until they come of age. A slave can gain their freedom if they prove that they are worthy to be citizens of the empire either by gaining achievements on the battlefield or by demonstrating their commercial and bureaucratic prowess. To the Drakonis, it is taboo to kill a dragon especially since they are very pious people who revere the dragon gods, as such killing a dragon is a capital offense only punishable by death.  
by Even Amundsen


Wisdom is not only defined by what you know, but also by knowing what you don't.
-Tanus Du'vilion
    Ashen, are a mixed race of humans and Sun elves who are well versed in the magic arts and are known to be proud, wise, and beautiful. Ashen make for excellent diplomats, advisors, mages, and duelists. Their sun elf heritage places them high in imperial society since those of sun elf blood are seen to be akin to royalty, as such they usually hold prestigious positions in the empire. There are few Ashen in the empire and their entire population resides almost exclusively in Drakenhold.  
by Levi Liao


Judge your day by the seeds you plant for tomorrow, not by the harvest you received from the seeds of yesterday.
-Kastav Opez
    The Ironborn are a Breno-Clearsian race of men who pride themselves as honorable and fierce warriors. They are the backbone of legions and are eager to fill their ranks when an emperor they deem worthy is enthroned. Their lands ill-suited to farming the Ironborn turned to seafaring and warfare to earn their living, making them some of the best sailors and soldiers of the empire. They are known to be hot-blooded and hold their reputation in high regard, those who seek to tarnish this reputation are met with swift violence.  
by Even Amundsen


When a problem arises it is not a sign to stop, it's merely a sign to change your plans slightly.
-Alexia Sorinnius
  The Heartlanders are undoubtedly the "heart" of the empire. They are known to be well-spoken and silver-tongued. Some of the wealthiest people on the continent are Heartlanders as they make up the bulk of imperial merchant society. Many know them for being merciful towards their enemies and for their tolerance of other cultures. Heartlanders revel in exotic fabrics, tapestries, costumes, tattoos, and elaborate ceremonies. They focus more on philosophy than ancient traditions. To the Heartlanders the advancement of the industry is of utmost importance.
by Edward Denton


First Age

A dragon is slave to no one
-Caelan Drakon

The Great Liberation

  In 1A 954 Caelan Drakon led the Drakonis clans into a 60-year-long war against the Mytheasians to free his sister Syntima Drakon and their kin from the Sun elf slavers. The Drakonis would first storm the beaches of Areia eventually pushing the Mytheasians past the Duhulahn pass in 1A 962, after a costly victory that set their advances back. After the battle of Duhulahn, the Drakonis would spend the next few years replenishing their troops namely after peacefully incorporating the Nornora tribes into their ranks and forming an alliance with the Clearsians to dissolve the Mytheasian empire. In 1A 968 Caelan Drakon would form the kingdom of Drakania encompassing the lands now known as Areia, Thair, and Nornora proceeding to continue the invasion of the now divided Mytheasian empire.   Drakonis forces were met with great resistance in the Duchy of Erion, which remained relatively neutral during the war's duration they would join their Mytheasian brethren against the Drakonis fearing their might. The elven dragonknights would assist in holding the Drakonis forces back until 1A 979 When the Drakonis sacked the city of Quenos leaving their eastern front exposed and forcing them to retreat up north into what is now known as Brenmaar manipulating the great Ironwoods and using guerilla warfare to halt the Drakonis advances, the dragonknights would retreat to Vanyailwen. The Drakonis would pour into the remaining Mytheasian lands from Duhulahn pass and secret passages in the Nornora highlands eventually beating them back to Vanyailwen where they would make their last stand.  
by Pierre Raveneau

Siege of Vanyailwen

  The war now nearing its end all that was left was for the Drakonis to take the city of Vanyailwen Which would be the most difficult task in the entire war. The city was surrounded by a massive magical barrier that prevented anyone outside it from entering and those that touched it were vaporized. The Drakonis spent months attempting to take down the barrier but to no avail until Caelan Drakon fully fused with Htirex harnessing his power to tear the barrier apart. The last effort of the Sun elves was to delay the Drakonis forces by threatening to kill off all the city's slaves to buy time for one last spell.   This threat would work for a while as the Drakonis planned a way to assault the city but soon after the Mytheasian would demonstrate that it was no empty threat and killed off a group of slaves for all to see many of them were Drakyn and one was Syntima, a mistake that would cost them dearly. This would spark a fire in the hearts of the remaining slaves as they took up arms against their elven masters hoping to at least die fighting than being slaughtered like livestock and a now empowered and infuriated Caelan would unleash his might on the northern gates of the city allowing the Drakonis to assist the slaves in battle beginning the sacking of Vanyailwen and slaughter of its citizens.  

The Founding of the Empire

  With the Mytheasian empire defeated and the city of Vanyailwen conquered the Drakonis would rename the city Drakenhold and make it their new capital in the year 1A 1013, the following year Caelan Drakon would crown himself the first emperor of the Drakonis empire. During his reign, he abolished slavery from the empire and forced all of the elves into exile many fleeing to the nations of Orelion, Erion, and Vas'saros, Caelan's son Aurius would leave to Vas'saros with his elven lover casting away his family. The remaining dragonknights would be forced to seal themselves off from the world in hidden tombs. With an exhausted army and vast amounts of new land, it was time for the Drakonis to recuperate and rebuild their new home. During the remainder of Caelan's reign, he would reform the Drakonis' economic and military practices using the Mytheasians as a template and would distribute land among the previously enslaved races. He would also start the tradition of Drakon rulers climbing the God Heights to receive wisdom from the dragon sages.  
Some are born with talent but talent alone shall not develope you. You have to be broken down. Find obstacles and conquer them. Only then will you prosper
-Emperor Taros

Taros' Reign

  Taros Drakon the great-grandson of Caelan would be crowned emperor in 1A 1711 and would be known as the second greatest conqueror of the empire after Caelan himself. In 1A 1715 Taros would begin the conquest of the Vaarian-controlled territory of Heart taking advantage of local human insurrections he would gather his forces at the city of Whitehaven and cross the Tross river into Vaarian territory quickly cutting through the weakened Vaarian forces and ultimately conquering all the Vaarian occupied regions. The Heartian rebels would cede to the empire welcomingly and become the 4th province of the Heartlands in 1A 1718. Taros would then turn his attention to the Vaarian heartland preparing a naval invasion eventually setting off the following year the Draconis navy would face a crushing defeat at the battle of Sahim against a more advanced and experienced Vaarian fleet. To reform his fleets Taros planned to annex Erion as it owned the great Ironwoods whose timber would make the best ships of the age, he would also begin to train soldiers who specialized in naval combat and raiding, the Stormwing marines led by Lord Hakon Ves.   Learning from past skirmishes his predecessors had with the Greenblood wood elves of Erion Taros would equip his soldiers with lighter armor and arms. His first task would be to deal with the manipulated Ironwood by having dragons burn down the outer forests which proved fruitful for a while, but he could not afford to engulf all the Ironwoods in flame lest his plans would be ruined so he sent his warriors in to confront the elven forces in the outer forest because sending them in any deeper would be suicide. All of these actions were, however, a distraction to pull the elves' attention to their southeastern border while the navy brought in troops to the northern beaches where there were no forests to protect the elves. The Stormwing would perform their first great operation secretly treading through the Northern forests into the elven Ancestor glade where their young were kept and nurtured, the marines killed the glades defenders and threatened to burn the Elder trees if the elves did not surrender unconditionally and the following day in 1A 1738 the 13th day of Brightleaf they did. The empire would march its armies into Erion exerting full control over the region and would begin its work cutting down the Ironwoods sacred to the elves to construct their great fleet. To prevent a rebellion Taros outlawed Wood-weaving, the elven magic for manipulating forests, branded known practitioners, and limited the number of elves allowed to enter the Ancestor glade.   In 1A 1742, the Drakonis fleet would once again launch an invasion on Vaaria with a more advanced navy experienced in the harsh northern waters. The fleet acquired many victories against their Vaarian counterpart but before they reached the mainland the fleet was ravaged, the cause an elf attendant named Nirar tore the ships apart in the middle of the night using Wood-weaving killing many men including Toras himself. When word of this reached the mainland of the empire many took vengeance and directed their anger towards the elves, some of their homes were destroyed, many cities exiled their kind and some were even outright killed. Taros would be succeeded by his 16-year-old son Jordas.  

Jordas' Reign

  In 1A 1744 Prince Jordas would be crowned emperor and he would be left with a broken navy, exhausted army, and deteriorating empire. He would not be known to be a great ruler like his forebears, spending most of his time with his concubines Jordas' neglect of his duties would cause the empire to start falling apart and the edicts he instituted worsened the situation. Under Jordas all elves regardless of race were to be branded, sealing their magical abilities, and all of his vassals were forced to levy an overwhelming number of troops to his army those who didn't comply with the order were either disposed of or kidnapped. Many rebellions would ensue during this period ultimately leading to the succession of the northern provinces from the empire in 1A 1756, Jordas afraid to fight his countrymen would instead plan to prove himself to his vassals by conquering Orelion a very ambitious plan that would only get him as far as their northern coasts before his army was put to a halt by Orelionese troops at Trezza pass.   With a failed conquest and near-empty coffers, the emperor's vassals were as vexed as ever, Jordas' growing paranoid as he believed someone might try to have him killed dismissed all of his advisors even those who were loyal to him for years, and surrounded himself with Stormwing soldiers who would become his honor guard, he would then earn the title the "Mad King". In circa 1A 1763, prominent nobles from around the empire met in secret with leaders from the former imperial provinces at the city of Cloudrest, this would be the first meeting of what is now known as the "Cloud Court". Their first ordeal was to unite the provinces against the emperor wrestling control of the fractured state from his clutches in the span of just two years. The court would then march its armies on Drakenhold although the Aegis was destroyed long ago, taking the city would still be a harsh venture. The siege of Drakenhold would last a whole 50 years and the event that led to the end of it wasn't the council's troops breaching its walls but something unexpected, the emperor was murdered.   As Jordas sat upon his throne one day his daughter knelt to him and asked "will you cede," Jordas jumped from his throne saying that he would never surrender to the court and would destroy the city himself before he let them have it. Before he was able to sit back down a blade was at his neck and his head severed from his shoulders the Stormwing guard that protected him didn't lift a finger in his defense and his daughter would sit on the throne and mutter "not to them you fool". Jordas' daughter would present his head to the court and Empress Germia would be crowned.  
What is a gift but what haft not been earned yourself
-Empress Germia

Germia's Reign

  Empress Germia would bring much-needed reforms to Drakania's lands, she would be known as a shrewd and ruthless ruler. Much of Germia's early reign was under the shadow of the Cloud Court, The only region under her control would be the Crownlands. It is said that Germia would mend the soured relations with her father's vassals admitting them back into the empire, how she did it is unknown. She ordered the raid on the Cloud Courts headquarters in Cloudrest by her loyal Stormwing, taking their families hostage and giving them the choice to swear fealty to her or die with their families. Those who complied with her ultimatum were allowed to keep their positions if they paid exorbitant sums of money, from then on she would keep the council around to act as her advisors and they would not be allowed to travel anywhere without two Stormwing guards at their side.   She swelled the ranks of the Stormwing and had them act as a mercenary group for hire that her vassals could call upon which eventually led to them gaining great influence and wealth throughout the empire. Germia would also set her eyes on the lands of the Avons leading her troops in an invasion of their independent kingdoms annexing their lands in 1A 1832. She enacted the provincial reforms officially deciding the borders of each province and awarding each to one of the 13 Great Families. She restored the Great Aegis of Drakenhold by unknown means. Germia also began mending relations with the elves stopping the branding of elves, admitting them back into cities, and even marrying one of their kind, a man by the name of Nelovis Erteran. One of her more controversial edicts though was the reinstatement of slavery in the empire which went against the founder's wishes but the bolstered workforce this brought along would silence many critics.   When it was time for Germia to be called to the God Heights for her pilgrimage she was with child but even so she would its slopes, her husband would offer to come along although the journey was meant for one to take alone. The duo faced many dangers, raging blizzards, and ravenous beasts, Germia easily kept up with her husband even though it was almost time for her to give birth. One night while Germia slept her husband tried to murder her but he hesitated and she tore him apart with magic at the first chance. It was later revealed that Nelovis was related to the same man who killed her grandfather and was sent to wipe out her bloodline. At the peak of the mountain, Germia gave birth to three children two would survive, healthy boys, but one looked as if its soul was stolen from it, robbed of her child Germia would curse the gods and forsake the sages' training.   After her pilgrimage, Germia would not be the same she is said to have practiced blood magic and began to worship demons using elven sacrifices for her unholy rituals. The Northern provinces would once again rise against an unruly leader once against "Jordas the Mad King" and now against "Germia the Black Hag". A long and bloody 10-year war would ensue and Empress Germia would die at the battle of Hags End severing the empire into the north and south each group taking one of her sons to raise as a successor.    
Bear your fangs!
-Aurius to his men

War of Three Dragons

  For 20 years the Cloud Court would keep the splintered empire in check until Germia's heirs were of age. The succession process would be decided by a vote from the Court with the Heartlander candidate being Prince Fadus and the Ironborn candidate being Prince Aeres. The vote would remain split between the candidates and the Ironborn would suggest a duel between the two to decide the successor, but before the date of the duel an assassin attempted to kill Prince Aeres, whether he was hired by Prince Fadus is unknown, but this would give the Ironborn a cause for war. Both factions would begin mustering troops near Duhulahn pass Aeres would personally lead his men to war and on the 3rd of LoversSong 1A 1870, the war would officially begin.   While the war was raging in the north of the empire a storm was raging in the south, ships began to go missing and a great mist covered the shores of the southern empire. From the mist, a grand fleet of black ships emerged from its shroud with their legions of black-armored troops. The mysterious army would sack every fortress that came in its path and disappear as if they were never there while marching northward. The three armies would meet at the contested Duhulahn pass where the black legions' identity was finally revealed, they were a powerful faction from the newly formed Sudutaria composed mostly of elves. Their leader was a man who bore the same visage as the Drakon twins, but with distinct elven features, his name was Aurius III a descendant of Caelan Drakon's first son. Aurius had come to claim an empire that was rightfully his and would display his prowess on the battlefield, leaving all sides of the war in awe.   In 1A 1873, Prince Aeres and the Ironborn would submit to Aurius after his men slaughtered the Heartlander troops at Helesa, later that year he marched to Drakenhold in full force and tore down the Aegis with a magical artifact known as the Anchor. Aurius dared the defenders to attack his army as they walked through Drakenholds gates the soldiers set down their arms and bowed, for a dragon was coming to claim its throne. He gave Prince Fadus a choice to die or leave the empire, Fadus choosing the latter was exiled along with the two Great Houses that supported him, House Waric and House Soras. In 1A 1874 Aurius would be crowned Emperor and a new age would begin.  
Aegon by Xia Taptara

Second Age


Aurius III's Reign

  Aurius' reign saw the rise of the Ashen as a race as well as the rise of elves in imperial society. A great migration of elves would flock to Drakania mainly in the south around Drakenhold. Aurius reformed the Drakonis military by having his Blackguard train and discipline Drakonis troops eventually turning them into the well-organized Dragon Legions that are respected and feared to this day. He also merged the Stormwing into his Ravenguard and they became more of an intelligence and assassination agency than an honor guard. Many fortresses were built around Draconia to improve national defense such as Starhammer Keep and Fort Solitude. The Guilds Act was signed in 2A 12 allowing the legal formation of guilds such as the Hunters which allowed the Legions to switch their focus from protecting the countryside to overseeing and protecting crucial garrisons around the empire.

Draconis-Daelnor War

  In 2A 844 the Dominion of Daelnor marched its undead legions upon the Province of Netai wreaking havoc on the land and forcing the Drakonis past the River Jor before suddenly ending their long march and forcing the signing of the treaty of Bela In 2A 850 making the city an independent state and ending the war abruptly. During the duration of the war, the Province of Cymae revolted against the empire with the backing of Daelnor they gained their independence because the empire was afraid of another war with Daelnor. The former Cymaens would establish the kingdom of Dimest in 2A 850.  


  The Interregnum of 2A 1297 would begin with the death of Empress Haumea because she had many bastard children and only married her latest partner Duke Harald of Sagina, their son Harald II was her only legitimate heir but also the youngest and most inexperienced of her children. Many nobles supported her other children such as Deon and Brittany of Ravenwatch as well as Bran and Victoria of Seven Peaks. Eventually, war broke out as individual warlords banded together to support their candidates as emperor, breaking the empire into six powerful factions that supported each of Haumea's children. The war would last for ten long years and ended as Prince Harald killed his half-brother Deon at the battle of Whitehall where he proved he was the rightful heir.  
Don't judge someone just because they do not don't conform to your societal standards
- Emperor Harald Drakon II

Harald II's Reign

  During Harald's reign, the empire focused more on its economical and cultural aspects rather than its military although there were significant military reforms. Free trade was encouraged by Emperor Harald as well as the development of arts and crafts he made a push for the advancement of magical arts as such academies and similar institutions popped up all around Drakania and under his rule, many families rose to prominence, this truly was the golden age of the empire. In 2A 1364 it was common to see Drakonis trade ships at any port around the Golden Sea. Under Harald, the empire became more secluded focusing more on national interests rather than international as such the empire didn't involve itself in war. Emigration during Harald's reign was unlike that of any other emperor before him during his reign Drakania saw an influx of people from all corners of the known world. Under Harald, religious tolerance was improved in the empire and numerous cultural practices were adopted by the Drakonis. Brittany Harald's half-sister suggested the reformation of the Dragonknights of old officially restoring the order in 2A 1360 and becoming the first Grandmaster. She also suggested the creation of the Dragonguard which followed the Stormwing's example as honor guards. Harald proposed a change to succession being that all future rulers must be elected but were restricted to being selected from the Drakon family and cadet branches.  
The intelligent know to believe only half of what they hear. The wise know which half.
-Emperor Daemar II

Daemar II's Reign

  Emperor Daemar is the great-grandson of Emperor Harald II his reign saw the Drakonis acquisition of many major ports around the Golden Sea, the creation of the Emperor's Road which spanned the whole empire and allowed for the swift deployment of the legions as well as the safety of travelers on the road. The conquest of Turoch saw the expansion of the empire into Exileon and an imperial presence in the west. Daemar ordered expeditions into the lands of Wan-gul and Brenia respectively and efforts to colonize the areas were made. Daemar's reign saw an influx of slaves and foreign goods as well as a more effective and secure means of transport creating an economic boom.

Demography and Population

Species Percentage
Human 33%
Elf 12%
Dwarf 8%
Drakyn/Draconewt 8%
Beastmen 10%
Orc 7%
Giant 5%
Moira 5%
Halfling 10%
Other 2%



The empire has a standing army and all able men, age 16 and older are required to join the legion, women are also accepted but are not required to serve. Recruits must serve at least two years and must attend bi-yearly training. Those who volunteer to stay in the legion must serve a mandatory 20-year term.   The duty of the legion ranges from patrolling the province's and acting as a police force to tax collecting and protecting important individuals.   The Draconis navy is well known for its might and is commonly found protecting merchants and raiding pirates along the Golden Sea in the south and the Sea of Echoes in the north.  
by Andrew Mar

Technological Level

The Draconis Empire is one of the top nations known for both their magical and industrial might, one of the main reasons they have dominated the lands of Opirion for centuries. With the help of the dwarves and elves, they have made a vast array of technological advances that combined the world of science with that of the mystic.

Foreign Relations

The Empire has made many friends and foes on its rise to power that has shaped it into the powerhouse it is now. Some of the empire's greatest allies include Aurelia, which holds strong ties with it especially since Aurelian royalty is descended from the Drakon family. Aurelia and the Drakonis empire have a long history of friendship and have always supported one another through hardship in peace and war. Other strong allies of the empire include the dwarven kingdom of Khûn dun, which relies on it for military support in return for the expertise of their craftsmen and merchants, and the merchants' league of Sanshar which the empire is technically a member of being a part of their founding.   But with friends come foes and the empire is not short of them. In the early years of his reign, emperor Daemar II made an ambitious plan to invade Exileon and claim the lands that allowed access to the bounties of the forests of Lirlyn, the expansion of the Emperor's Road, and the coastline in the western seas. His conquest mostly was successful and it was agreed upon that the empire would only claim a certain amount of land that led to Lirlyn in exchange for free passage between these lands and the parts of Exileon that have been cut off and a political hostage being the first princess of Exileon. To this day the Exileonese hold a deep hatred for the Draconis and seek to one day reclaim the lands they lost and restore the imperial family's honor.   Vaaria holds an ancient claim on the region of the empire known as the heartlands but these lands were lost to the empire during its early expansion since they hold cultural and religious importance to the Vaarians it has been their sole purpose to acquire their lost heritage. Now they seek any chance to undermine the empire whether it be funding its enemies or directly raiding its lands and waters.   In the treaty of Bela, it is stated that the Dominion of Daelnor will not cross into Drakonis land in return they would keep the land that they have gained in their invasion. Although Daelnor has followed the treaty for more than 800 years the Drakonis see them as the greatest threat to their empire's wellbeing and are prepared for an invasion from them at any time, some just seeking to reclaim lost territory.   In recent years the empire has been through numerous conflicts with the Kingdoms of Khatarai mainly for claim over the Second Crucible and the rare resources in the dread wasteland that divides the two nations. Since Dimest owns these lands it finds itself frequently caught in the middle of these conflicts and neither the Drakonis empire nor Khatarai recognizes Dimest as a sovereign state especially since it was once a province of the empire.   The Commonwealth of Orelion is a puppet state of the empire used as a buffer between it and the orc kingdom of Drothal. Many Orelionese have grown discontent over their rule by the empire after losing their entire northern coast to it to become land for the empire's soldiers and nobility. Orelionese men are commonly conscripted into the imperial legions and many of them settle in the empire and gain citizenship after their service, some Orelionese believe they are losing their identity as a people as more and more foreigners settle down and more of their younger population leave for the empire.

Trade & Transport

Trade is mostly conducted by boat through the many rivers that flow throughout the empire, but caravans are also prominent on land and the development of magically powered vehicles has made headway. The empire also makes use of airships but these are uncommon and expensive, mainly being used to trade between major cities within the empire or with Aurelia exclusively.


In the empire, it is mandatory for all children to attend an educational institute, if possible, starting at their sixth year until they are at least twelve years of age, subjects range from the basic understanding of magic, mathematics, language, home ed., and even combat training. It is highly encouraged and respected for children to continue their education even after their six years are complete, but continuing their education beyond this point is very costly, so only the middle class and nobles send their children to established schools and universities.

Compassion through power, Power by law , Law is power, Be fierce and be feared

by Martina Fackova
by Yoon
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Drakania, Mytheasia, Empire of the dragons
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The official currency of the empire is known as the drake but it is more commonly referred to as Lorels after the noble house that oversees the minting of the coins. Their denominations are as follows:  
  • Copper Hoards: commonly known as bits, the staple for most citizens of the empire.
  • Silver Denar: Used mostly in daily transactions with merchants and as pay for soldiers, guards, and city workers.
  • Gold Drakes: High-value currency usually in the possession of nobles and merchants, rarely seen in the hands of the common folk but not unheard of.
  • Platinum Dragons: Very rare currency only used by the wealthiest of nobles and royalty.
Legislative Body
The Cloud Court mainly brings about new laws or improves upon old ones, but it is ultimately the emperor's decision to ratify these laws. the Cloud Court may also have a hand in creating new laws to some degree depending on the emperor in power, their influence on state affairs may be greater as they also have the power to select and dismiss an emperor from the imperial family, but this rarely occurs as their power has been waning in recent years. Many province overlords tend to create their own laws for their territory as long as they don't interfere with those instated by the emperor.  
by JoelChaimHoltzman
Judicial Body
The Council of judges and the imperial magistrates are responsible for carrying out the law around the empire, the council is also responsible for keeping the Cloud Court inline and ensuring they do not wrongly dismiss an emperor from their position. Regions under the influence of an imperial legion are under their jurisdiction.  
by Xin Jin
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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Cover image: by Pietro Smurra


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