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Sword Mountains

A seemingly never-ending stretch of furiously jagged peaks and dangerous passes connecting the eastern and western sides of the continent as settled by the Humans. These lands will make riches of the strong and bring swift death to the weak.


This lengthy mountain range features canyons and caves that have been an absolute boon for miners all the way throughout Phaestruen and into the eastern plains where The Great Scar lies. Trails have been carved through a break in the middle of the range to guide travelers east to west connecting either side of the continent. It's peaks reach the highest of any in the world of Saddothra.

Fauna & Flora

There are areas of plateaus and plains reachable from openings throughout the mountains canyon passes. Here roam all sorts of plain animals both mild in temper and quite dangerous. Travelers, miners, and settlers alike need be wary of crossing packs of Dire Wolves known to leave their plains and come down into the canyons when food seems scarce.

Natural Resources

For miners through the middle gilded ages it seemed there was no end to the number of minerals they could pull from the depths of the mines being carved deep into the mountains. Upon a deep discovery in one of the mountains' largest mining operations, Wave Echo Cave, a mysterious resource was discovered. It was discovered that it could be refined in the caves Spellforge of Wave Echo Cave to create orbs of immense power known as sardonite
Mountain Range

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