Elorran empire Organization in Sacaris | World Anvil
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Elorran empire

The Elorran empire at its formation was simply an alliance between the various Elven houses, but in recent history it had grown to become a wider ranging international political organisation encompassing many kingdoms outside the initial core Elven governments. The kingdoms within the Elorran while retaining their autonomy and independence are expected to conform to various standards and criteria across many sectors ranging from trade to military cooperation.


The Organisation is split into several distinct group each with their own area of focus.   The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the Eloran Empire It is composed of representatives from all Member States, each of which has one vote.   The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Unlike the general assembly only members capable of providing sufficient military support received 1 vote. Under the Empires Charter, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions.   The Economic and social council has a focus on furthering trade benefit between Empire nations as well as attempting to negotiate the various social and cultural differences between the many member races and cultures.   The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the Eloran Empire. The Court is charged with settling legal disputes between States and giving advisory opinions to the Empire and its specialized agencies.


While many of the nations within the Empire fared better than those of the Union in the immediate aftermath of the Dark war, the Eloran Empire also fell by the wayside. While much less dramatic in its collapse, the combination of the loss of much of the sitting council members who were in at Ospia during the splintering with the widespread policies of the surviving member states looking to pull away and focus on protecting their own interests made for an untenable situation.


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