Ta-Tzar Rank/Title in Ruslavia | World Anvil


The title Ta-Tzar is used as the title for the royal rulers of the Cherti Mountains. It was used by the Bashirov Royal Family when they invaded Ketterzan during the First Ketterchert Crusade, and established their own leadership.   The Elven influence was seen retrospectively by the Ketterzan nobility as a boom of culture and industry, and the Ta-Tzars are romanticised fondly by many of the Boyars and other upper eschellons of Ketterburg society, many of whom have elven heritage (or are just actual Gilded Elves).   With the marriage of Valentina Bashirov to Nikolas Romanov the line of the Ta-Tzars ended. Nikolas took up the title Tzar, rather than returning to the previous honorific Dvoryanin. This was his mostly successful attempt to maintain good relationships with the Bashirovs and to associate himself the beauty and culture of the Ta-Tzars.
Royalty, Hereditary
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