Inebriation Condition in Ruslavia | World Anvil


Alcohol is treated as a specialized poison. Ales and wines usually have a fortitude save DC of 10-15, most human spirits a 15-20 dwarven or special spirits would have a 21+. Like most poisons, continued “doses” increase the DC of checks that must be made to stave off drunkenness.


When a character consumes alcoholic beverages in excess, they go through gradual states of inebriation. Characters can consume one drink per 6 points of Constitution, per hour, without having to make any checks. As soon as this ratio of beverage/time is exceeded, characters must make checks for each alcoholic beverage to avoid entering Stage I of inebriation.


Stage I
After a failed fort save at the DC of the beverage being consumed, the character gets a +2 morale bonus to physical stats for 1d4 hours. Additional alcoholic intake within this time requires Fortitude saves at a -2 Morale penalty to avoid going to Stage II. The temporary Constitution bonus to fort saves does not apply to drinking fort saves.
Stage II
Upon entering Stage II, the character must immediately make a second Fort save at the DC of the beverage that caused them to enter this stage. Failure indicates taking 1d8 subdual damage. While in Stage II, the character takes a -2 temporary morale penalty to all mental stats, but keeps the benefits from Stage I. The Stage II penalties have a separate 1d4 hour window from the Stage I bonuses.
Stage III
After a failed Fortitude save while continuing to drink while in Stage II, the following occurs:
  • Character loses all benefits from Stage I.
  • Character takes an additional -2 penalty on ALL stats for 1d4 hours. These negatives are innate, and stack with the penalties from Stage II.
  • Character must make a secondary Fortitude save at the adjusted DC of the imbibed liquid, or lose consciousness or “black out” for 2d4 hours.


If a character reaches Stage II or III of inebriation, they must make a Fortitude save at a DC of what they were drinking (if mixing drinks, they take the highest DC and add 2 for each additional alcohol source) or become hungover when the benefits/penalties of their inebriation state wear off.   Hungover characters are treated as Fatigued, but undertaking any activity which requires a check which is affected by statistics (attacks, skills, some spells) cause them to become exhausted. The duration of a hangover is 1d4 hours for each hour spent Inebriated.  
Just like drugs, alcohol can be abused and have significant negative effects. In general, a character can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to 1 plus double his Constitution modifier before being sickened for 1 hour equal to the number of drinks above this maximum. If a drinker becomes sickened by alcohol, they are in danger of developing an addiction. The base DC for avoiding or curing alcohol addiction is equal to the highest DC of the alcohols consumed while contracting the addiction, and this increases by 2 for each drink consumed while under the negative effects of alcohol (either the sickening, or the penalties of already being addicted).


Most citizens of Ruslavia use the Zakuska ritual before a night of heavy drinking in order to stave off the negative effects of Drunkeness and lower the chances of succumbing to Alcoholism. Performed correctly, Zakuska grants the drinker a +2 bonus to any saving throws against the effects of consuming alcohol (including Drunkeness or Alcoholism) for the next twenty-four hours.