Drow Nobility Ethnicity in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Drow Nobility

Drow Nobles are the highest ranking Drow in the Sabrelands. Many are Winter Witches, although some have their own lesser courts that pay tribute to the Zimavedma to maintain their own existence.


Major language groups and dialects

The Drow Nobles can speak Drow normally, but they also have a deliberately complex version, High Drow, that consists of intricate ruens that reads right to left.

Common Dress code

Drow Nobility value the spider imagery, and each noble wears the corpse of a woolen ettercap on his or her back to keep out the cold. Males and females both wear a crown circlet, which denotes their nobility, and both genders wear their hair long and loose, although the females sometimes weave braids into their hair, using spider weaving techniques. Most Drow Nobility wear circles of bones as cuff bracelets.
Encompassed species
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Languages spoken
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