Bilgewater, the Pirate Sanctuary Settlement in Runeterra | World Anvil
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Bilgewater, the Pirate Sanctuary


Bilgewater is a diverse city of roughly 12,000 people, though that number can swell and fall quickly as ships enter and exit the ports. All sorts of individuals come through here, though the most commonly seen are Human and Buhru, though the rest is a keen mixture of most sentient species that are part of civilization have made their way through here. Even the rare goblinoid races have begun to be spotted, but never straying ttoo far from whatever Noxian ship they sailed in on.


Bilgewater has no unified central government, making it a place where various gang leaders, syndicates, and power brokers vie for control. However, it is not a totally lawless place - it's just a matter of what you can get away with, and retribution is generally swift and fatal. In Bilgewater, wealth is the true power.

Industry & Trade

Boatmen. Grim sailors who ferry the dead to their final resting places.
Harpooners. Everybody needs food and the people of Bilgewater are no exception.
- Monster Hunters, or serpent hunters, prowl the seas for more dangerous game.
Bounty Hunting -With all of the criminals that escape here to flee justice, there is room for this incredibly lucrative profession.
Salvage Divers. Countless ships are lost to the seas. It would be a shame if all of that lost cargo were to go to waste.
Piracy. The first true profession of those who founded Bilgewater. Many crews call this island their home.
Smuggling. A great place to buy and sell goods that may be illegal elsewhere.


Slaughter Docks. A coastal district that sits below the Buhru District. This area mostly houses carving bays, kill-houses, butcheries, and other places that service the monster-hunting industry.
Rat Town. The largest district in terms of population, this is where most of the permanent residents and working class make their home. It is also where several taverns and market square are located. Rat Town is separated from the Eyries and Buhru District by a large bridge.
Buhru District. One of the quieter parts of town where a longtime temple dedicated to Nagakabouros stands. Most of the Buhru that reside on this island call this district their home as most of them are in some sort of service to the temple. The Explorers' Guild also houses a regional field office in this area.
Eyries District. The higher levels of Bilgewater, the Eyries are where many of the higher class gambling facilities lie, as well as where those with the means make their home. In the wake of Sarah Fortune taking over, the Syrens have constructed a small outpost from which to oversee Bilgewater's affairs.
White Wharf. Not really a district, but the White Wharf is the closest hthing Bilgewater has to a graveyard. Grave-buoys dot the waters and most of the docks are painted white with bird poop.

Guilds and Factions

Syrens. The de facto "Ruling Force" of Bilgewater, Sarah Fortune has taken control of Bilgewater and works to maintain her hold over the other Gangs.
The Jagged Hooks. One of the oldest and fiercest gangs of these islands, they swear allegiance to Captain Gangplank. Until recently, they were the most powerful gang in Bilgewater and seek to reclaim their former place of glory.
Temple of the Mother Serpent. Central to Buhru culture is Nagakabouros (also known as the Mother Serpent, the Great Kraken, and the Bearded Lady). The native Buhru worship her and her influence has since seeped into the docks of Bilgewater.


Bilgewater lacks natural building resources, forcing its inhabitants to adapt. Much of Bilgewater has been built up with whatever people can bring, find, or steal—be it repurposed masonry, or even the broken hulls of the ships they traveled in. It's common to see remnants of ships from as far as Ionia, Demacia, and the Freljord incorporated into the architecture. Various settlements within the greater city have been built upon the remains of a far older civilization. Long abandoned temples have been converted into homes and places of business, with scaffold walkways leading from one establishment to another.
"Ruling" Faction:
Sarah Fortune's Syrens
  Alternate Names:
Bilgewater Union, Pirate Haven, City of Smugglers
  Founding Date:
787 AN
Blue Flames Isles
  Prominent Religion(s):
The Blue Bird of the Sea, Janna
Other varied faiths
  Common Languages:
Common, Buhru, Ionian, Northspeak, Noxian, Shuriman, Valerian
  Notable Organizations:
Jagged Hooks
Temple of Nagakabouros

Articles under Bilgewater, the Pirate Sanctuary