31 MAR - Twilight Tower Act IV Report in Runeterra | World Anvil
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31 MAR - Twilight Tower Act IV

General Summary

Escape from the Twilight Tower and the Friends Made Along the Way

Current Date: Morning of 5 Enneatyr, 994 AN (Waxing Crescent)
  Oh. Kay. We finally made it to the top of the Twilight Tower. What the party found was a reluctant guardian bound by some ancient contract. Contrary to some initial expectations, the creature wasn't immediately hostile. Instead, it simply watched and warned the party not to approach.   Not sure of how to proceed, Agon and Turt posed several questions to get a better hold of the situation and found the following:
  • As long as the party didn't approach, the Naga wouldn't attack.
  • Some background of what got the Naga into this situation, though limited
  • Information that the party's could leave using the orb, but that the Naga would not allow them to touch/use it
  • A sense that the Naga didn't necessarily WANT to kill them, but would do what it had to do
  • The Naga was trying to free itself from eternity by destroying the tower via overloading the orb and killing everything within
  •   So anyways, the party tried to delay by taking a long rest. They were successful in getting back some resources, but the diminishing returns would not outpace the destruction of the tower. So they took on the Naga and managed to neutralize it without killing it. While it was unconscious, Logi and Turt worked together to find the "emergency shut off" that shunted everyone out of the tower and left the party with a small replica of it (possibly a way to regain access to it later). Also coming out of the tower were the creatures the party had encountered so far, as well as a rejuvenated Draconic Hydra currently battling another adventuring party. After an awkward standoff, the hydra scuttled away to be a nuisance elsewhere with its newfound freedom. Similarly, the Naga was brought back to conciousness and thanked the party before heading off on its own to see a bit of the world that had changed in its absence.   And then back to the Guild House to rest, recover, and sell/redistribute some loot.  

    Downtime Activity Tracker

    We've got some ongoing Downtime activities going on in the background (No change):
  • Agon is attending classes with a speech coach (Performance) (8 weeks remaining)
  • Laccaria learning Thieves' Tools (2 weeks remaining)
  • Logi has been reading from the CURSED FUCKING BOOK THEY FOUND BELONGING TO A CULT. Failed a lot of Wisdom Saves.
  • Sprout learning an instrument to play (8 weeks remaining)
  • Turt is learning Deep Speech (1.5 weeks remaining)
  • Rewards Granted

  • Level up! Reached Level 8 and all that entails.
  • Twilight Tower miniature
  • Notes

    Also some mail:
  • Recieved mail from Sprout's family (thankful for the money and an update about Pickle moving nearby with their pet)
  • Letters to Rumpadump, Agon's family, and Turt's old rival
  • Campaign
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