The Arcana Plane Geographic Location in Ruins of the Regalia | World Anvil

The Arcana Plane

The Arcana Plane lies at the central axis of its planisphere, connected innately with the Dream and Fate planes, it is understood in some capacity by those who call upon it, acting as an endless reservoir of manipulative power, ley energies and flux.   As we understand it, the Arcana Plane is an expression of ever-changing patterns of energy that can be used to manipulate most other kinds of energy if handled correctly, but can run wild and destructive without proper control, for the nature of the plane is change and transition. Affected by the sensitive tides and currents of the Dream Plane, the Arcana is twisted and skewed by strong thoughts and feelings, but is drawn upon by a variety of extraplanar creatures, including the fabled wind-steeds, the swift displacer beast, the misunderstoof flumph, or most frequently, a host of mortal spellcasters.  


When the planes converged, the pure Ley energies were further twisted by the influence of foreign Rays, catalysing the development of complex entities that embodied raw magical power. These individual entities operate across the infinitely complex current of time and power for unknown ends, and they can be tapped into for power by through a variety of means for extraplanar creatures to discover. Each Archon has a slightly different energy and a preference for certain actions or purposes which effect the amount of power it grants, and the exact nature of this 'personality' changes wildly over time.   Examples of such powerful creatures might be Archon Cynosure, Archon Nexus, Archon Anchorage, and more. It might be convenient to frame each Archon as responsible for powering certain schools of magic; Archon Cynosure may be responsible for all Enchantment spells, while Anchorage might be responsible for Abjuration spells.

Articles under The Arcana Plane


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