Kaliyana HaaLou Character in Ruins of the Regalia | World Anvil

Kaliyana HaaLou

Kaliyana HaaLou (a.k.a. Shadowhawk)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Suur Haalou and Selem Alantai among the elves of Selerimmond during an eclipse some 650 years ago, Kaliyana was a quiet, solemn child who was unfortunately quick to learn of hardship, as her family journeyed to provide succour to the humans of Surantas during their civil war and subsequent malabrandi resurgence. When they were felled by humans along with the town they were staying in, Kaliyana survived the assault and hid in the ruins of a smithy until the invaders departed.   Upon travelling back to the valleys of home, she was discovered by the society of Alkirakanam, the Shadow's Eclipse, where she found comfort for her grief, a discipline for her heart and a new wealth of education to immerse herself in. Once she reached five-thousand moons, she was formally awarded the title of Nilaal, and permitted to choose a foe. Armed with ribboned kartri knives and two light pirai sabres, she embarked to patrol the southern ranges from men and goblin alike, where she came upon them in the night, and slew as many as she could under cover of darkness, evading capture when discovered to harass her victims night after night. To men, she was the Shadowhawk, to goblins, she was Vaws-Hak of Vaws-Hakolohk, and to both, that meant death.   Once she reached eight-thousand moons, the Kan-In-Karumai of the Eclipse named her Alvettaiyati, Huntress, as she had discovered that a hobgoblin war council had moved into human lands lost to the hordes, and slew all of their leaders in the night, spreading chaos and infighting through the warbands as they tried and failed to hold together. In breaking the threat of goblins and stopping them from from filling the east of Seranilion, she had secured a long-lasting period of relative peace, as the humans struggled to recover from their devastating defeat, and the goblins from losing their momentum and leadership.


Trained by the Alkirakanam


  1. Acolyte of Alkirakanam
  1. Nilaal of the Alkirakanam
  1. Alvettaiyati of the Alkirakanam

Accomplishments & Achievements

  1. Survived a human raid that slew her family.
  1. Achieved the rank of Nilaal within the Alkirakanam.
  1. Garnered a reputation as a slayer of man and goblin, rewarding her with titles in those cultures.
  1. Scouted, infiltrated and overcame the goblin war council, slaying all 17 hobgoblin chiefs and their personal guards.
  1. Achieved the rank of Alvettaiyati within the Alkirakanam.

Mental Trauma

  • Lost her parents to human civil war.

Personality Characteristics


Driven to keep the scourge of inferior races from the serene heartlands of Selerimmond.
Kaliyana is a 1st level shadow sorcerer, a 3rd level gloomstalker and a 7th level shadow monk.
Current Location
Though her irises are pale grey, the remainder of her eyes are completely black.
Iron grey, medium length. Worn in a singular braid, a common style among Seleri, wrapped tight with black silk ribbon.
Known Languages
  • Common (Conversant)
  • Ithilovrasi (Native)
  • Gorolai (Poorly)


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