Althanas Organization in Ruins of the Regalia | World Anvil


Small in number, the Orthals struggled to survive in the harsh, wintry conditions of Orthallon, they banded together into close-knit family groups, fighting one another for land, resources and the thrill of battle, led by clan chiefs. In the summer when cool mists filled the valleys and fell from the mountains to conceal the seas, they would pilot quiet vessels down to the isles in the south to hunt griffons, and raid the villages that were built there.   Southern clans began to log the forests and construct well-defended holdings, ultimately provoking the tribes of firbolg that shepherded the region, which turned into bitter years of pitched battle, resulting in the deforestation of much of the region, and the decimation of the clansmen. When the entire vale-side flank of Orthallon was emptied of humans, those who remained developed a fear of thick woodland, learning from history, battle sagas and childhood fables to fear the dark woods. Eventually, farmers began to expand near to the forests, and soon encountered the vengeful firbolg, whose violent defence of the woods was blunted by the innocence and ignorance of the nearby settlers. Ultimately, border clans began to tolerate, and then embrace the firbolg as gentle protectors, integrating them into society and renaming their country as Althelan.   The blizzards of Rhiwann eventually posed a greater threat than biting winds and stormwalls of ice shards, producing ice giants that pillaged the sheltered vales, which the clans had to unite to protect themselves from. As war-clans of the west and of the east became more prominent, other clans adapted to produce resources, tools and food, which they moved northwards to support the clans against the giants. Still a threat today, the giants forced Althelanni to unify like never before, whereupon they united under a high chief, Al-Thane, and reforged their country as Althanas.


Al-Thane The Al-Thane is chief among the leaders of Althanas, able to give commands to anyone in Althanas and be obeyed. The Al-Thane sits in Njorfalth, the largest settlement in the north of the country, from where he is able to manage the eastern wastes and the western shores no matter the season.   Or-Thane Or-Thanes are appointed by the Al-Thane, and are given command over war parties, able to move at will and act with authority, though always at the ultimate direction of the Al-Thane. Or-Thanes will be found commanding raids, defences and attacks through giant territory.   Er-Thane Er-Thanes are put forth by firbolg tribes and confirmed by the Al-Thane, and are given ultimate authority over the limited forests remaining, charged with protecting and nurturing the forests on behalf of the Al-Thane. Largely a ceremonial courtesy to the firbolg population, the Er-Thanes are also invested with legal authority, a diplomatic means to ensure the people respect the domains of the forest, while binding the vengeful firbolg to abiding by the laws of Althanas.   Thane A Thane is the commander of a village, able to raise a defence, arbitrate disputes, and prioritise production for the safety and security of their thanas.

Public Agenda

Althanas is dedicated to the preservation of hearth and home against the treacherous seas, skies and snows, having no contact with other societies than war with their nearest neighbours. War parties of Althanas are undisciplined and wild, eager to out-do one another in looting, slaying or destroying, and this reputation is received negatively by hostile adjacent dominions.


Fair barter according to need rules the economy of this harsh kingdom, with cheats and keep-coins considered disgraceful and ignoble by society without hesitation.   Notable resources include iron, coal, copper and tin deposits, andesite and rhyolite stone, boreal lumber, furs, horns, tooth, and pale blue pearls.   There are 16 equipped braigh, 4 in the west, 12 in the east. Each braigh is equipped with housing for 100 mounts, and 400 men. They are supplied by 31 surviving broch villages, each of which houses between 30-100 peasants.   Njorfalthas, the seat of rule, has approximately 4500 people living within, and it is fortified in the extreme against siege and aerial attack. Descendants of each clan to hold a braigh dwell here, acting as representatives of their heavily armed encampments.   Vaalthanas, the seat of the people, has approximately 14000 living within, and it is the heart of commerce and production within Althanas, with with clan manors within the city representing each of the regional Thanes, where stewards order the needs of the city and goods available for trade.   Some thirty odd villages scattered around Althanas represent the remaining population, living simple lives and giving what they can to their countrymen by authority of their Thanes.

Demography and Population

Total estimated population of Althanas is approximately 26,000 people.   Braigh-thanes are those clan leaders that have ancestral right to one of the mighty braigh fortresses, each able to house an army within the high walls.   Western Braigh-thanes include
  1. Braigh Gladdyn
  2. Braigh Nuther
  3. Braigh Rutlin
  4. Braigh Blythe
  Eastern Braigh-thanes include
  1. Braigh Adrawc
  2. Braigh Drocan
  3. Braigh Wrythe
  4. Braigh Culcarrok
  5. Braigh Gwylrath
  6. Braigh Achadh
  7. Braigh Rime
  8. Braigh Whitinnis
  9. Braigh Brannar
  10. Braigh Madadh
  11. Braigh Iomair
  12. Braigh Fiaclan
  Additonally, there are two great settlements in the east;   Njorfalthas, the seat of rule, has approximately 4500 people living within, and it is fortified in the extreme against siege and aerial attack. Descendants of each clan to hold a braigh dwell here, acting as representatives of their heavily armed encampments.   Vaalthanas, the seat of the people, has approximately 14000 living within, and it is the heart of commerce and production within Althanas, with with clan manors within the city representing each of the regional Thanes, where stewards organise the needs and goods available for trade.   Ruined Braigh-thanes include
  1. Braigh Lyall
  2. Braigh Caradoc
  3. Braigh Duiran
  4. Braigh Firfellen
  Broch-thanes are those lesser clan leaders that represent one of the many villages that lie scattered around the vales of Althanas. They include;
  1. Broch Beechen
  2. Broch Ormil
  3. Broch Banbrume
  4. Broch Oakwyn
  5. Brock Barlind
  6. Broch Baird
  7. Broch Cadal
  8. Broch Kilsper
  9. Broch Anvil
  10. Brock Birchen
  11. Broch Dorcha
  12. Brock Cuille
  13. Brock Saoghail
  14. Brock Dodkjempe
  15. Brock Abhainn
  16. Brock Aulathair
  17. Brock Bratach
  18. Brock Taummer
  19. Brock Samhradh
  20. Brock Foghar
  21. Brock Earraich
  22. Brock Geamradh
  23. Brock Deighloch
  24. Brock Arness
  25. Brock Torment
  26. Brock Claigeann
  27. Brock Saut-kilde
  28. Brock Haust-hjem
  29. Brock Droemmas
  30. Brock Villmark
  31. Brock Rekkfaulge
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Orthallon (formerly), Alethelan (formerly)
Notable Members
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