Aoen - Avatar of the Primes Rank/Title in Ruins of Alyeria | World Anvil
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Aoen - Avatar of the Primes

Many see balance as set condition. Imagine walking across a narrow log. Your form bobbles, arms flail, and feet fight for purchase. Balance in nature, the world is the same, in motion, shifting. A natural process. When it is out of balance the Aoen stablize it, so say the Primes.
— Nola Ambersin - Aoen of Earth
  When the primes fell to Alyeria, they petitioned hosts or Oen to carry them around the world. When they ascended they chose Aoen or avatars to guide the world in their absence.   Only one Oen transitioned to Aoen - The Avatar of Aether.  The remaining four primes all selected new candidates to become their avatars, leaving their Oen to transition to Remnants.  All of the Aoens, regardless of their race, are statuesque at 8-10 ft tall.  This size increase boosts strength and stamina as well.  Before the Era of Darkness, the avatars were linked directly to each representing elemental sphere, making them immortal.  The modifications to their bodies extended their natural lives without the link, but the connection made them eternal.  After the collapse, from time to time, they must emerse themselves wholly within their patron element to shore up their abilities and longevity.  Can they be killed, no one has survived an attempt.   As the earthly representatives of the Primes, Aoens are venerated and feared, their word is the law.  Most maintain a calm patient demeanor but command respect when needed.  Kings, councils, and the clergy seek direction and advice from the avatars in affairs both personal and the state.  Arising towards the end of the Time of Parity, the Aoens took command of the capitals armies and lead them into battle during the War of Shadows.  At the war's conclusion, they returned to more stately affairs and moved among the people to promote loyalty and reverence for the Primes.   With innate mastery to shape the Ebb on a whim, Aoens are not to be trifled with.  Their gifts are used more often to maintain the balance among the sphere kindred - the flora and fauna of Alyeria.
Magical, Honorific


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