Primalact Rank/Title in Rugofen | World Anvil
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The office of Primalact is unique in how it is transferred. Since most Melleri cannot reproduce, it is not inherited my sons or daughters. Instead, the Primalact selects their second, who must then drink poison to prove that they are an unliving sentinel. Primalacts are usually immortal by nature. In fact, there are many who believe that it may never see rule outside Everett's. Even if it does, many are unsure how to declare that a primalact has "died". Most consulars agree that a Primalact who is unable to move or speak is viable to be removed, but many reasonable people say that this is too lax. What if they can no longer see or hear? What if they go insane? What if they can only say the word "pumpernickel?" Either way, the Deathguard defend the Primalact with their very souls, fearing what a transition may entail.   The current Primalact is Everett Bonnepark, the founder of Grimspeak. He has fortunately not gone crazy yet, although there are surely those who would love to claim his throne for themselves.
Civic, Political


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