Elder God of the Forge Character in Rosohax | World Anvil
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Elder God of the Forge

The Elder God, God of the Forge, The First (a.k.a. Woman of the Burning Elem Tree)

"Perhaps," the Elder God of The Forge said, her muscles rippling with anticipation. "We gift a creature that has survived the perilous land with some of our power."
She is the overseer of the seven directional gods (north, south, east, west, high, low, and time). She is often symbolized with seven arms and a thick brace around her waist. Her hands are calloused, and blackened from her past creations in the forge. More importantly, she symbolizes centralization and creation- the will to try something new but hold your ground when need be. In other words, people pray to her when working in say a blacksmith or masonry, as well as in famine for solidarity and constitution.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is tall compared to the other gods around her- strong like a tree.

Facial Features

No confirmed description has been found on her face, yet it is said she appears to have a strong brow and kind amber eyes. Her warm face is also accommodated with the bright orange freckles.

Identifying Characteristics

Her body is covered in freckles the color of embers, ones that are said to depict constellations from long ago. While she has seven arms (sprouting from the lower back), they all share the same appearance: thick and burly, which all turn to an ashen black or grey as you get closer to her hands.

Apparel & Accessories

She is often depicted with a thick brace around her waist, normally drawn in a form of divine golden armor that curls up to support her vitals in her chest.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female; she/her


Lawful Neutral
Year of Death
Circumstances of Birth
She was born from pure, condensed sedir (the world's purest form of magic).
Amber, partly hidden by her heavy brow, and deeply set.
Almost the color of red clay, with streaks of other earthy tones that fall to her collarbone.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive, thick like elephant hide, and covered in freckles that seem like hot burning embers.

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