Dorhast Kingdom Organization in Rosohax | World Anvil
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Dorhast Kingdom

(NOTE: Trigger warnings for themes of abortion. These country's beliefs are not my own, and this is just a reflection of society.) Dorhast is a cold, rainy, yet charming continent. Home to many creatures like dwarves, humans, bugbears, firbolgs, and even giants. They are usually quaint people that have little need for casting magic- and rather prefer to enchant instead. There is a saying that those who lived on Dorhast long enough will reflect the cold rocky land beneath their feet, and will become just as stubborn. They are kind to one another, yet a bit wary of outsiders from across the sea. The kingdom is certainly not without its flaws. The main structure of their society is rooted in old text and tradition, and change is hard for such a society.   Locations within Dorhast include (in order of population):
  • Ikurg (Capital, center of continent)
  • Yhustead (inland major city)
  • Vrenron (major city on eastern coast)
  • Blelwell (coastal city south of Vrenron)
  • Rosewood (inland town near Yhustead)
  • Nolis (southern costal town)
  • Ulshire (southern town north of Nolis)
  • Oreburgh (town)
  • Témedi (town)
  • and other, unnamed villages
Other Notes:
  • Those educated or studious in Dorhast have a high reputation (no public school)
  • Clothing is made from animal products (fur, hide, feathers) or linen.
  • Special weapons can be made by mixing metal with animal bones to "put its spirit into the weapon"
  • Have "herding call" similar to Swedish ones on Earth
  • Their buildings are made from wood and rarely stone. Similar to Russian Dark Ages mixed with Norse style.
  • Common husbandry animals include sheep, ox, goats, chickens, ducks, and fish.
  • Farmed food includes cabbage, onions, garlic, leeks, turnips, peas, and beans.


The leader of the kingdom has always been female. Male/agender creatures are forbidden from the rank of "Indramcha", which is what they call their queen. This Indramcha has a court of trusted advisors, and a "hand". These positions are voted upon by the general people, though the process has often been judged on whether its process is just a cover to get certain people in power.

Public Agenda

They worship the theme of fertility/motherhood. Abortion is looked down upon, but not outlawed, yet pregnancy is treated with high respect and the community provides for those who need. This tradition is deeply-rooted in society and isn't challenged out of fear of public humiliation. In fact, there are several annual celebrations based around their worship of such themes. Though, more recently, groups have been protesting against the idea and change has begun. Besides that, Dorhastian people normally abide by rules preset by lawmakers of the Indramcha. They are only allowed to worship a select amount of gods, and work under the preset that their taxes will help support the pregnancies of the poor.


While the land of Dorhast is far separated from the rest of the world, they have made up for it in their use of air tech. Creations like airships made from wood and steel, held aloft by massive magic stones- the process called Sedironics. This way, their shipments of high-quality textiles can be easily shipped across the globe. Their people aren't that magical, in fact. They promote magic in terms of arcane items, golems, and other technological creations powered by crystals.


This particular kingdom has gone through several changes in the past few centuries (Pholonas, Dormanus, Dorhanian, and Dorham respectively). The linage of leaders have all been female. The ancestors of those pure Dorhastian are Elenmorian. Fifty years prior to the present-day, the current Indramcha Tritanya II compromised with Ucog the White, the jarl of the largest frost giant Koslain Tribes to the north to cease battle. This battle had waged on for around 170 years, and started before Tritanya was alive.


The overall continent of Dorhast is claimed by the kingdom, seldom a few small cultures here and there (including the frost giant population in the mountains).


As mentioned before, the major religion favors the act of motherhood. This pious group looks down upon things like abortion, abandonment, and selfishness. On the other hand, they approve of things like adoption, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. Part of the reason why they believe this is due to the fact that their text states that their ancestors are reborn into their children, to which should be treated with care by the mother.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Because of such beliefs orphanages are rare, yet there is a large population of women who oppose this idea. Reasons like mental and physical health are often brought up in discussion, as well as the morality of the practice in general.   Other general traits (not everyone does these, it's a mixed bag):
  • Generally, eat with hands
  • Women are seen as more valuable than men, nonbinary
  • Their definition of gender is relaxed
  • Milestones of a child's life are celebrated often, as well as motherhood milestones
  • Virginity is culturally accepted (they believe you have to wait for the right time)
  • Marriage is rare, and many women will just have a child and continue her life. Marriage is done when they make a promise to their god to be together forever and is done only for love (not for a child).


Some sects have formed as a result of these protests, and instead, allow the process of abortion and choice. There are many other small formations of this religion, with all varying interpretations of ancient texts and stories.

Sisterhood from Solidarity

Founding Date
Year 15 of the Avalôim Era
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Motherlands, Breathing Hills
Neighboring Nations

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