Ansi Koslain Tribes Organization in Rosohax | World Anvil
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Ansi Koslain Tribes

These are the western tribes of the Koslain- groups of organized Frost giants that have survived for centuries in the north. Dorhast and these tribes have often fought over resources, land, and tradition- still occurring to this day. Though as recent as fifty years ago, the current Frost giant jarl of the Monranok village (Ucog the White) has ceased war on Dorhast in hope of a prosperous relationship. It is said that many of Ucog's followers disagree with this notion, as well as the several smaller tribes scattering the mountains.


There are many varying tribes that make up the population as a whole, with each one lead by a jarl. They often decide through bouts or fights- or even on a good day a drinking contest. Villagers follow the word of said jarl and make sacrifices to bless their land, harvest, life, birth, death, and battle. Every forty-six years, the jarls meet in the center of their territory in a test of skill and tradition. They battle for days, and it is said it shakes the mountains themselves when they do so. It is a frightening presentation, but in the end, the winner hails rulership over the other jarls until the next battle. They still live in harmony, yet the "high jarl" has the final say in important matters such as war.

Public Agenda

The Koslain frost giants, in particular, love to battle. Whether it be for sport, or in war, they base their society off the honor of fighting. Whether this habit was caused by their environment, the gods, or their own humanity- it is unknown. Though, it can be said that the gods they worship align with their pre-disposed views, and also give commentary on their sacrificial practices. Koslain giants are often are cold to outsiders, and aren't particularly keen on making allies outside from their own.


The Ansi Tribes don't often trade with others, besides the recent Dorhast treaty made 50 years ago. Because of this, they aren't quite used to trading and don't bargain very well. Besides the point, the land that the frost giants live upon is rich with precious stones (gold, copper, lead, etc.). Many dwarven-driven socio-political groups have tried to access these minerals but have been killed in the attempt. Alternatively, the Koslain giants are particularly kind to their cattle. They often herd fat goats around with such delicacy, one could wonder if the clans are as violent they say they are. Dwarves are, surprisingly, rivaled by these giants in their production of ale (which the dwarves aren't that proud of, mind you). While the aforementioned dwarves make pitch black ale, the Koslain giants have figured out a way to make alcohol the shade of pale blue. It is unknown why they do this, but either way this "Ice Wine" is highly sought after by the particularly rich or "alcohol-driven".


The Ansi Koslain Tribes are one-half of a whole. The split of the eastern and western frost giants is unknown to most- even most of the frost giants don't know themselves. What is known though, is that the divide happened many centuries ago- too long for even giants to remember.

Demography and Population

There are a few kobold or bugbear colonies that live sparsely in the mountains- that the giants surprisingly haven't slaughtered by now. It is assumed that these colonies live symbiotically with the Koslain tribes, and have some kind of benefit to keep them alive.


This organization holds territory over the majority of the Brimshalls, as well as the northeastern shore beyond them. In order to keep their land, the giants often lead patrols or leave carvings in the trees or stone- runes that warn of certain death if you enter. More importantly, the land is ancestral to the giants. They have had occupation over the mountains for generations; and while they once ruled over more of Dorhast in the past, they don't seem to want to reclaim it.

Foreign Relations

Most recently, the leader Ucog the White has enacted a peace treaty with the Dorhast Kingdom below. He described it as a step to better his people, and prosper in a land that was already harsh enough to live in without war. This behavior is suspicious to most and even seen as deceitful to some. Yet, nothing bad has occurred out of this agreement.

Agriculture & Industry

While these clans might be powerful, they certainly aren't the most technologically advanced. They pride themselves in the agricultural side of life, and often focus on procuring the best methods of tending to their cattle.

Trade & Transport

The recent cease-fire from both nations has resulted in an increase in trade between the two. It is done by sending a troop from Dorhast to the foot of the mountain range at a small village. Both parties arrive and switch their goods and return. Most of these trades include metals, wools, stone, armor, and enchanted objects.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Tallfolk, Mountain men, Thunder Gods
Government System
Economic System
Being a traditional economy, the clans only trade with one another. It is rare that you see gold or silver pieces in the hand of a frost giant.
Major Exports
They export minerals like iron, lead, gold, copper, and stone. Obsidian is also obtainable, but it is rare. Other than that, they also export wool and meats from their sheep and goats.
Major Imports
Ornately-made weaponry or jewelry- even enchanted. Other imports include some dark leafy greens like spinach and other veggies. Other than that, the giants often make special orders for special items- for example, a large lyre instrument that can fit into giant hands.
Legislative Body
The creation of laws usually falls upon the High Jarl at the time, and those afterward who take the title are free to change them as much as they want. There are a few stationary laws that are built upon the traditions of their grandparents- such as sacrifices that pertain to a god.
Neighboring Nations

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