Church of the Revelry Organization in Rondo | World Anvil
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Church of the Revelry

The Church of the Revelry, often just called The Revelry, is the largest church in Rondo. They are the Neutral faction, they don't pick sides, and they often don't start a fight but they will END a fight.
To mess with one of the Domains of the church is to mess with powers beyond your kin. The Revelry does not predate the Eldritch Encounter, being formed from survivors of the Wars, with all lessor Gods perishing in the eons between then and now. The power of The Revelry is not lightly forgotten but people often have short memories, mortals especially.

Four Greater Gods are within the Revelry Pantheon. There is no other single pantheon that can match that raw power.
Mystra Goddess of magic itself is the one to set the rules that govern the arcane.

Oghma, God of Bards, and inventions, the sheer creativity makes certain that the pantheon never stagnates.

  Kelemovr is the Gatekeeper, the neutral arbiter of death, all those whose afterlife is not determined or seek judgement from the God before him.

Juramento the final greater God of the revelry, the o e who judges and knows, those who break oaths, promises or obligations fall under his gaze and are judged wanting.

Meilikki the only non-greater God to survive all godly conflicts both recorded and unknown.
The goddess of nature is well known and is always on the mind of weary travellers and adventures.

The Revelry

The Church of the Revelry is often called simply the Revelry even though the name of the pantheon, is one of enforced neutrality, if an Angel and a demon were in a temple of Revelry they would be expected and forced to if needed to remain civil. You do not want to be the one to start something. The cleric only does things when paid or when they are driven to by divine commands to so are fresh to banish you, the paladins are often bored and ready to Smite an idiot no questions asked, the Godly members each have more power individually and some fallen pantheons ever had, to mess with the Revelry is to tempt your doom.
To the layman though, they are simply known as the Neutral church, they don't have much outreach and often keep to themselves unless someone breaks a tenant of the church, for example, threatening the balance of the weave breaking an oath or usurping death in a grievous manner.

Even though there is scholarly debate in Citium about that the Revelry might be the most powerful Pantheon as they are united, each individually strong and don't exhaust their powers on continuous wars, conflicts or good deeds.
They often only come into play when someone pisses them off enough for them to back The New Triad combining forces into a Triadi-Revelry Alliance, with on the mortal church only or on a celestial level as well such as during the Hendraxus Heresy.

The church has the Expected orders and groups inside of the church unlike the New triad with the Penscle Sito Triad and the Triadic Order of Justice, the consolidation was done in more recent centuries slowly over time as an administrative process making everything more efficient. The church is divided into each god sub-church, they have equivalent ranks for ease of life and communication and in most towns and villages the sun group meld into one group but in the large cities, you can often see the differences more pronounced.


Disciple of Mystra are not simply clerics but often sorcerers, wizards or bards, as she is the source of the weave of magic, often time the disciple dig deep into lore and mysteries of the arcane, but they also protect the weave, whenever anyone tries to attempt to control the weave, destroy or do anything against the tenants of Mystra then you will find revelry foes nearby.


Often worshipers by the creatives of Rondo,  often dreamers who don’t want to fight but those who want to paint, write or sing. But do be careful antagonising the disciples as often they are bards who simply done like to fight NOT that they can’t fight.


Often the Worshipers of Kelemovr are undertakers or grave keepers, they are often the arbitrators of the dead, and they often perform the rites for all the dead around them no matter their faith or lack thereof, they are the neutral Keepers of the dead and often protect old tombs and graveyards of notable members or civilization from grave robbers.


Worshipers of Juramento are very hidebound, they will never break a promise they will make sure those around them keep their word also. They are often the third party arbitrators between agreements as breaking a binding contract sworn to Juramento and in front of a member of the church of the Revelry can have… Dire consequences.


Worshippers of Meilikki often dwell in small villages, the greenhouses of a city or among nature themselves, they are not only clerics but often rangers and Druids, there are not many paladins of Meilikki but those who do become well known and quite powerful to combine their faith to Meilikki and the responsibilities as a Paladin.

We revel in our Neutrality

Founding Date
Eldritch Encounter
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Revelry
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations


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