Powder Throwers Organization in Rondo | World Anvil
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Powder Throwers

The Powderthrowers are a Dwarven faction that specialises in advanced technology and Gunpowder. They defeated and subsumed their rival dwarven faction the Bravehearts who were simple muscle-bound idiots who in combat dominated with their superior tactic but were no match for the powder thrower's advanced technology.
Notable location/events: It is well known that the powder throwers have extensive explosives throughout their cities and around rondo, and the other countries can never know if they have got all of them so they are rarely seriously threatened. It is a rumoured rite of passage that all dwarfs must place a bomb in other factions' cities, but it is well known that they will sell their merchandise for the right price. It is well ‘known’ that other people can't get the correct ratio for making their powder as everyone who tries outside of the Powderthrower's land tend to blow up, no one knows for certain whether it's just non-dwarves can't understand it or if all others are assassinated.
All research into enchanted gunpowder has been banned on pain of eternal damnation due to the chnobyler incident though there are recent rumours of a mad artificer who is interested in looking into it once more.


There are four Dwarven Lords in Charge of the Powder Throwers one in charge of each major city and one for the standing wandering army keeping the country safe.
Wigiddem Heinzvog - Hamdorahl is located next to the volcano Aldr-Klarth(Firesteel) and has mined streams from to ocean to power their vast complex of forges and mines that dominate the mountains.
Hrothgar Urur - Daraldur
Urgal Fallstaff - Khin’tharum
Bergen Corgen wandering warrior lord

Unique locations;

Unique Locations:


Skyhammer Forge:

A massive floating forge anchored above Daraldur, powered by a combination of fire and air elementals. It is known for producing high-quality firearms and ammunition for the Powder Throwers. The forge is also a marvel of engineering, with a series of interconnected platforms, pulleys, and elevators, making it a spectacle to behold.  

The Powder Vaults

: Deep beneath the city of Khin'tharum lies a network of tunnels and vaults where the Powder Throwers store their vast reserves of gunpowder. The location is kept secret, and only a select few trusted individuals are allowed to enter. The Powder Vaults are protected by a series of traps, puzzles, and powerful guardians to ensure the safety of their most valuable resource.  

The Smokespire

: Located in the heart of Hamdorahl, the Smokespire is a towering structure that harnesses the volcanic heat and steam from Aldr-Klarth to create a variety of alchemical concoctions and gunpowder. The Smokespire is a symbol of the Powder Throwers' technological prowess and is often visited by inventors and alchemists from other nations to study its design.  

The Emberfall Canyons

: A vast network of canyons and ravines filled with rivers of lava flowing from Aldr-Klarth. The Emberfall Canyons are a treacherous and inhospitable environment, but also a rich source of valuable minerals and metals. Many daring Powder Thrower mining expeditions venture into these canyons, armed with specialized equipment and protective gear.  

The Booming Caverns

: A series of subterranean caves filled with natural gas and unusual rock formations. The Powder Throwers have learned to use the gas deposits to create powerful explosives and fuel sources. The caves are also home to an array of unique flora and fauna, some of which have adapted to the volatile environment and are studied by Powder Thrower biologists.

The Crimson Forest

: A forest located at the base of the Aldr-Klarth volcano, named for the red-hued leaves of its trees due to high iron content in the soil. The forest is home to several unique species of plants and animals found nowhere else in Rondo. Powder Thrower alchemists and herbalists often visit the forest to gather rare ingredients for their concoctions.

Glimmerdeep Lake

: A large underground lake hidden beneath the mountains, illuminated by clusters of bioluminescent fungi and minerals. The lake is known for its crystal-clear water, which is believed to have curative properties. Powder Throwers have constructed several hidden shrines and meditation spots around the lake, providing a serene location for reflection and relaxation.

The Ironspike Mountains

: A rugged mountain range bordering the Powder Thrower territory, known for its rich iron deposits and treacherous terrain. The mountains are home to several Powder Thrower outposts and watchtowers, which serve to protect their homeland from potential invasions. The Ironspike Mountains are also a popular training ground for Powder Thrower warriors, who hone their skills in the harsh conditions.


is a volcano located next to Hamdorahl in which they tap into to feed their forges.

Events and Culture:


The Thunder Games

: An annual event in which Powder Thrower marksmen and inventors compete in a series of shooting and explosive-related challenges. The winner is awarded a prestigious title and has their name engraved on a memorial wall in the city of Daraldur. The event is attended by many, including those from other factions interested in purchasing the latest Powder Thrower technology.  

Powder's Day

: A national holiday celebrated by the Powder Throwers, commemorating the discovery of gunpowder and their subsequent rise to power. The day is marked by fireworks displays, gun salutes, and feasting.  

The Black Powder Brotherhood

The Black Powder Brotherhood A secretive organization within the Powder Thrower society that is responsible for the placement and maintenance of explosives throughout Rondo. While their existence is an open secret, their members' identities are kept hidden, and they communicate through coded messages and symbols.

Additional Notable Individuals:


Fargrim Ironsight

: A renowned Powder Thrower inventor, responsible for the creation of several groundbreaking firearms and explosive devices. He is rumored to be the mad artificer interested in researching enchanted gunpowder, despite the ban.  

Ysra Battleborn

: The first female Powder Thrower to lead a military unit in battle, Ysra is a skilled tactician and expert marksman. Her innovations in battlefield strategy have made her a valuable asset to Bergen Corgen and the wandering warrior lord's forces.  

Nargol the Boomer

: A popular figure in Powder Thrower folklore, Nargol is said to have been the first dwarf to harness the power of gunpowder. Many tales of his daring exploits, both true and exaggerated, are told around the hearths in Powder Thrower cities.

Roles and jobs

Sea Walkers

  : Treasure Hunters of Aquagranite Hollow   the Sea Walkers Originating from the underwater city of Aquagranite Hollow, the Sea Walkers are a group of intrepid treasure hunters and adventurers comprised primarily of young dwarves seeking fortune and glory beneath the waves. These daring individuals have adapted to the challenges of the deep sea by using specialized equipment and weapons, allowing them to explore the depths in search of riches and excitement.

Demography and Population

Population: Dwarves are not divided up by subraces oddly enough; yes, hill dwarfs primarily live in the hills - but that never dictated which faction, creed, or alliance they belonged to; they were always divided among other lines. Not to say that the race has unity, simply that dwarfs divide themselves differently from the other races of Rondo.
Powderthrowers are a dwarven civilization that is both terrifying and boring. They create such vast forges that create armies worth or weaponry, create amazing technologies that surpass any other factions and plant bombs among all cities of Rondo to show their dominance as one of only two single-race factions. And yet they are mostly content to stay in their cities, tinkering away testing out any new technologies in the Heartlands, Wastelands or any other convenient conflict that may arise.
Bravehearts were always described as muscle-bound idiots in all things bar combat in which they dominated their foe with superior formations and tactics, a beloved strategy of theirs was using the bodies of slaughtered civilians to send brutal messages. But after the Powderthrowerd perfected their black powder they doomed themselves by not adapting to their foe’s new strategies and thus were dominated by the superior technology.

Technological Level

It is well known that the powder throwers have extensive explosives throughout their cities and around rondo, and the other countries can never know if they have got all of them so they are rarely seriously threatened. It is a rumoured rite of passage that all dwarfs must place a bomb in other factions' cities, but it is well known that they will sell their merchandise for the right price. It is well ‘known’ that other people can't get the correct ratio for making their powder as everyone who tries outside of the Powderthrowers land they tend to blow up, no one knows for certain whether its just non-dwarves can't understand it or if all others are assassinated.
All research into enchanted gunpowder has been banned on pain of eternal damnation due to the chnobyler incident though there are recent rumours of a mad artificer who is interested in looking into it once more.
Some of the more well know weaponry that the Powderthrowers wield are. They are also known to wield extremely experimental and intricate firearms but those are one of a kinds.(prices will vary on location and other factors).
Palm Pistol
“Bad News”
Hand Mortar
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

Articles under Powder Throwers


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