Juramento Character in Rondo | World Anvil
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The Judge

Promises, obligations, and guilt: the building blocks of society and the source of many powers. What most do not know is that there is a single deity, a being whose age is truly unknowable, in which all oaths are bound. All of them, from the child's promise to their parents, to the drunkards attested boasts, to the paladin's holy vow, all are regulated by a being known as Juramento. He has many names, “The Judge”, “The Chained Man”, “The Reaper of Lies”. Many forms he takes, many masks he wears, but no matter what, they all come back to a single fact: The Judge takes your word as law, and anything you say can - and will - be used against you.

Divine Domains

Broken Promises/Oaths, Forced Servitude, Obligations.

Holy Books & Codes

Lawful Neutral

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tilted silver crown with chains bound around it


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