Kelemovr Character in Rondo | World Anvil
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The Gatekeeper is the God of death, the most recent god to hold this title. As opposed to the previous holders of this title he holds the opinion that death is not something to be feared, but a natural part of the world. There is an old story of a cleric making a deal with Kelemvor to wait one minute before freeing the souls of the fallen from their bodies to travel to their final resting place. The gatekeepers story on his ascension is a known tale passed down through time as it is relatively “recent”. He was a great champion who fought all who opposed him. He was a companion with Cyric, his predecessor, to the title of god of death while still a mortal. Cyric and Kelemvor fought over the title of god of death for decades in a story of mortal vs god, with Kelemvor using cyric fear of him to his advantage. Kelemvor was more lenient than his predecessor and judged those who were faithless or had a false faith judged on their virtutines and noble intentions. So either have a strong true faith, or have noble intentions.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave

Holy Books & Codes

Lawful Neutral

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Skeletal arm holding up scales in balance
Divine Classification
Greater God


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