
In the vast expanse of the multiverse, there exists a plane where the only constant is change, where the landscape shifts with the whims of thought, and where the Consciousness of the dying find temporary refuge. Welcome, adventurers, to Limbo.   Limbo is a realm of pure chaos, an ever-changing landscape of colliding elements and shifting realities. Here, earth, air, fire, and water float in an endless Void, colliding and merging in a constant state of flux. One moment, you might be standing on solid ground, the next, you could be floating in a sea of fire or falling through open air. Such is the nature of Limbo, a plane where the only constant is change.   But Limbo is more than just a plane of chaos. In the world of Rolara, it serves a unique purpose in the cycle of life and death. When a soul is in the process of dying, its consciousness is transported to Limbo. Here, in this realm of chaos, it waits, suspended in a state of transitory existence, until it faces judgment in the Afterlife.   The inhabitants of Limbo, from the disciplined Githzerai to the chaotic slaadi, have learned to navigate and even control this chaos. They have learned to shape the plane to their needs, creating islands of stability in the sea of chaos. But for the uninitiated, Limbo can be a dangerous place, a realm where the landscape shifts underfoot and danger can come from any direction.   So, come, adventurers, to Limbo, the Plane of Ever-Changing Chaos. Here, in this realm of transitory consciousness, your will is the only limit to what you can achieve. Here, in the face of chaos, you can find order, and in the face of death, you can find a glimpse of what lies beyond.

Localized Phenomena

In Limbo, the plane's inherent nature of pure chaos and transitory existence manifests in unique localized phenomena that reflect its unpredictable spirit and the transience of Consciousness.  

The Elemental Chaos

One of the most striking phenomena in Limbo is the Elemental Chaos. Here, the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water - exist in a state of constant flux, colliding and merging in an endless dance of creation and destruction. One moment, a solid ground of earth might form beneath your feet, the next, it could dissolve into a sea of fire or a gust of wind. This Elemental Chaos is a testament to the plane's inherent unpredictability and the power of thought to shape reality.  

The Subjective Gravity

Another unique phenomenon in Limbo is the Subjective Gravity. In this plane, gravity is not a fixed force, but a subjective experience. Each individual can choose the direction of their personal gravity, allowing them to walk on walls, float in mid-air, or fall upwards. This Subjective Gravity is a reflection of the plane's chaotic nature and the power of will over physical laws.  

The Transitory Consciousness

Perhaps the most unique phenomenon in Limbo is the Transitory Consciousness. In the world of Rolara, when a soul is in the process of dying, its consciousness is transported to Limbo. Here, it exists in a state of transitory existence, suspended between life and death, until it faces judgment in the Afterlife. This Transitory Consciousness is a testament to the plane's role in the cycle of life and death and the transient nature of existence.  

The Islands of Stability

In the midst of the chaos, there exist Islands of Stability, areas where the chaos has been tamed and reality has been shaped according to the will of powerful beings. These islands, often the homes of Githzerai monasteries or slaadi breeding grounds, are a testament to the power of will and discipline in the face of chaos.   These localized phenomena are a testament to the ever-changing chaos and transitory consciousness of Limbo, a plane where thought shapes reality and death is but a doorway to the next stage of existence. As adventurers or Dungeon Masters, understanding these phenomena is key to navigating the plane and interacting with its inhabitants.  
Optional Rule: Power of the Mind
As an action, a creature on Limbo can make an Intelligence check to mentally move an object on the plane that it can see within 30 feet of it. The DC depends on the object’s size: DC 5 for Tiny, DC 10 for Small, DC 15 for Medium, DC 20 for Large, and DC 25 for Huge or larger. On a successful check, the creature moves the object 5 feet plus 1 foot for every point by which it beat the DC.   A creature can also use an action to make an Intelligence check to alter a nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried. The same rules for distance apply, and the DC is based on the object’s size: DC 10 for Tiny, DC 15 for Small, DC 20 for Medium, and DC 25 for Large or larger. On a success, the creature changes the object into another nonliving form of the same size, such as turning a boulder into a ball of fire.   Finally, a creature can use an action to make an Intelligence check to stabilize a spherical area centered on the creature. The DC depends on the radius of the sphere. The base DC is 5 for a 10-foot-radius sphere; each additional 10 feet added to the radius increases the DC by 5. On a successful check, the creature prevents the area from being altered by the plane for 24 hours, or until the creature uses this ability again.
Chaotic Neutral
Dimensional plane


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