Arcadia Geographic Location in Rolara | World Anvil


A Symphony of Symmetry in Perfect Harmony

In the cosmic order of Rolara, Arcadia stands as a beacon of meticulous order and harmony, a plane where everything from the tallest mountain to the smallest pebble exists in perfect symmetry. Yet, in this realm of lawful good, the pursuit of perfection often unfolds in ways that are as comical as they are orderly.   Imagine a landscape where every tree in the forest stands at exactly the same height, where every leaf on each tree is the exact same shade of green. Picture a world where the sun rises and sets at precisely the same time each day, where the weather changes on a strict schedule, and where even the wind blows at a constant speed.   The inhabitants of Arcadia are beings of law and good, archons and formians who live their lives according to a strict schedule. Their dedication to order is so absolute that they will stop in the middle of a battle to straighten a crooked helmet or correct a misaligned formation. The formians, in particular, are known for their comical obsession with order, often seen rearranging rocks or leaves to achieve perfect symmetry.   In the city of Empyrea, the god of law, Anzu-Dorje, presides over a court where every trial follows the exact same procedure, every verdict is delivered with the same timing, and every punishment is meted out with meticulous precision. The city is a marvel of architectural symmetry, with every building, every street, and every statue arranged in perfect harmony.   Yet, for all its rigidity, Arcadia is not a plane of oppression, but of harmony. The inhabitants live in peace, their lives free of chaos and uncertainty. And while their obsession with order can be comical, it is also a testament to their dedication to the ideals of law and good.   So, welcome, adventurers and Dungeon Masters, to Arcadia. Here, order is not just a principle, but a way of life. Whether you find its meticulous symmetry amusing or awe-inspiring, one thing is certain: in Arcadia, you will never find a leaf out of place.


Arcadia's geography is a testament to the plane's dedication to order and harmony. The plane is divided into two layers, Abellio and Buxenus, each a mirror image of the other, reflecting the plane's obsession with symmetry.   Abellio: The First Layer Abellio, the first layer of Arcadia, is a landscape of idyllic farmland and peaceful forests. The farmland is a patchwork of perfectly square fields, each one exactly the same size, each crop planted in straight lines that stretch as far as the eye can see. The forests are a marvel of natural symmetry, with every tree the same height, every leaf the same shade of green. The rivers that flow through Abellio follow straight paths, their waters clear and calm, reflecting the serene blue sky above.   Buxenus: The Second Layer Buxenus, the second layer, is a realm of majestic mountains and tranquil lakes. The mountains rise in perfect symmetry, their peaks reaching the same height, their slopes the same angle. The lakes are perfect circles, their waters as still as glass, reflecting the mountains and the sky with mirror-like precision. The cities of Buxenus are marvels of architectural symmetry, with every building, every street, and every statue arranged in perfect harmony.   In Arcadia, the geography is not just a backdrop, but a reflection of the plane's essence. Every rock, every tree, every river is a testament to the plane's dedication to order and harmony. The landscape is a symphony of symmetry, a melody of meticulous order that resonates with the plane's inhabitants.   Yet, for all its rigidity, Arcadia's geography is not oppressive, but peaceful. The symmetry of the landscape, the predictability of the weather, the constancy of the wind, all contribute to a sense of tranquility that permeates the plane. In Arcadia, the world is in perfect balance, and its inhabitants live in harmony with their surroundings.   So, whether you are wandering through the symmetrical forests of Abellio, climbing the orderly peaks of Buxenus, or exploring the harmonious cities of Arcadia, remember: in this plane, every leaf, every stone, every drop of water is a part of the grand symphony of order.

Localized Phenomena

In Arcadia, the plane's inherent nature of perfect order and harmony manifests in unique localized phenomena that reflect its meticulous symmetry and predictability.  

The Echoes of Symmetry

One of the most common phenomena in Arcadia is the Echoes of Symmetry. These are harmonic resonances that can be heard throughout the plane, a constant, soothing melody that reflects the plane's perfect symmetry. The echoes can be heard in the rustling of the leaves, the flowing of the rivers, and the whispering of the wind, creating a symphony of sounds that is as orderly as it is beautiful.  

The Mirrors of Reflection

In the tranquil lakes of Buxenus, one can observe the Mirrors of Reflection. These are not ordinary reflections, but perfect mirror images that capture every detail with meticulous precision. The reflections are so perfect that they can be used to scry, providing a glimpse into other parts of the plane or even into other planes of existence.  

The Circles of Harmony

In the cities of Arcadia, one can find the Circles of Harmony. These are public squares where the inhabitants gather to discuss matters of importance. The circles are perfect in their symmetry, and those who enter them find their thoughts becoming more orderly and their speech more harmonious. The circles foster cooperation and consensus, ensuring that every voice is heard and every decision is made in harmony.  
Optional Rule: Planar Vitality
  While on this plane, creatures can’t be frightened or poisoned, and they are immune to disease and poison.  

The Paths of Predictability

Finally, there are the Paths of Predictability. These are the roads and trails that crisscross the plane, always straight, always leading to their destination. The paths are a manifestation of the plane's predictability, and those who follow them always find their way, no matter how far they travel.   These localized phenomena are a testament to the perfect order and harmony of Arcadia, a plane where every leaf, every stone, every drop of water is a part of the grand symphony of order. As adventurers or Dungeon Masters, understanding these phenomena is key to navigating the plane and interacting with its inhabitants.

Fauna & Flora

In Arcadia, the plane of perfect order and harmony, the flora and fauna are as meticulously ordered as the landscape itself. From the sentient species to the smallest insect, every creature and plant in Arcadia is a part of the plane's grand symphony of symmetry.   Sentient Species The most notable sentient species in Arcadia are the archons and formians. The archons are beings of pure law and good, their society a model of perfect order. They live in harmony with the plane, their lives governed by a strict code of conduct that reflects the plane's ideals. The formians, on the other hand, are insect-like creatures with a hive mind, their colonies a testament to the plane's dedication to order and symmetry.   Animals The animals of Arcadia are as orderly as the plane itself. Herds of deer graze in perfect formation, their movements synchronized with the rhythm of the plane. Flocks of birds fly in perfect patterns, their flight paths a dance of symmetry in the sky. Even the predators of Arcadia hunt in an orderly manner, their attacks coordinated and precise.   Plants The plants of Arcadia are a marvel of natural symmetry. The trees grow in perfect rows, their branches reaching out in symmetrical patterns. The flowers bloom in perfect circles, their petals arranged in meticulous order. Even the grass grows at a uniform height, creating a carpet of green that stretches as far as the eye can see.   Unique Creatures Arcadia is also home to unique creatures that reflect the plane's nature. The Harmonious Cranes are birds known for their beautiful, symmetrical plumage and their melodious song, which is said to echo the harmony of the plane. The Symmetry Spiders are small, harmless spiders that Weave perfectly symmetrical webs, their patterns a reflection of the plane's meticulous order.   In Arcadia, every creature, every plant, every insect is a part of the plane's grand symphony of order. They live in harmony with the plane and each other, their lives a testament to the plane's dedication to perfect order and harmony. As adventurers or Dungeon Masters, understanding the flora and fauna of Arcadia is key to understanding the plane itself.


For the intrepid planar traveler, a visit to Arcadia offers a unique experience of perfect order and harmony. Whether you're a scholar seeking to study the plane's meticulous symmetry, an adventurer looking for a challenge, or a tourist seeking a serene getaway, Arcadia has something to offer.   Scholarly Pursuits For scholars, Arcadia is a treasure trove of knowledge. The plane's perfect symmetry offers unique insights into the nature of law and order, and the meticulous harmony of its flora and fauna is a subject of endless study. The libraries of Arcadia are renowned for their vast collections of books and scrolls, all perfectly organized and meticulously maintained.   Adventurous Expeditions For adventurers, Arcadia offers a unique challenge. The plane's perfect order and predictability can be a boon or a bane, depending on the situation. Navigating the plane's symmetrical landscape, interacting with its orderly inhabitants, and adhering to its strict laws all require a keen mind and a disciplined approach.   Serene Getaways For tourists, Arcadia is a serene getaway. The plane's tranquil landscape, predictable weather, and harmonious atmosphere make it an ideal destination for those seeking peace and relaxation. The cities of Arcadia offer a range of accommodations, from luxurious inns to peaceful retreats, all meticulously maintained and perfectly ordered.   Unique Experiences Finally, a visit to Arcadia offers unique experiences that can't be found anywhere else. Watch a flock of Harmonious Cranes perform their symmetrical dance in the sky, participate in a debate in one of the Circles of Harmony, or simply take a walk in one of the plane's perfectly symmetrical forests. In Arcadia, even the simplest activities become a testament to the plane's perfect order and harmony.   So, whether you're a scholar, an adventurer, or a tourist, a visit to Arcadia is a journey into perfect order. Come and experience the plane's meticulous symmetry, its harmonious atmosphere, and its unique charm. In Arcadia, every moment is a part of the grand symphony of order.
Lawful Neutral/Good
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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